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Revlon lenders believed billionaire Ron Perelman was behind Citigroup’s $ 900 million mistake

Revlon lenders believed billionaire Ron Perelman was behind Citigroup’s $ 900 million mistake


Matt Turkel, a partner at Brigade Capital Management, said that when the credit investment firm received $ 211 million, he thought this reflected the wishes of Perelman, who over the summer was raising funds. funds in sell art, its interest in Humvee-maker AM General and other interests.

I thought it was possible that Mr. Perelman could chose to deploy capital he controlled to repay some or all of Revlon’s debts, ”Turkel said. “It was widely reported in the news that Mr. Perelman was monetizing various assets and I thought so It is plausible that Mr. Perelman used some of these proceeds to settle Revlon’s debt.

Revlon had been in financial trouble for many years and Perelman bought back its debt from investors at a steep discount from time to time. Last spring, the cosmetics company angered its creditors when it borrowed new money secured by the intellectual property of its brands, which had been used as collateral for an older loan. When the unexpected August loan repayment hit their screens, the first thought that came to their mind, at least at some Revlon lenders, was that Perelman was playing hardball again.

The theory that we Okay at time was most likely that Revlon and Citibank were trying to manipulate the voting rights ”of certain lenders, testified Catherine McCoy, portfolio manager at Allstate Investment Management, whose company has received more than $ 10 million from Citi.

The reality was more mundane, however, Citi says.

In his testimony Wednesday, credit manager Vincent “Vinny” Fratta explained that the flawed box check explained why the bank, which intended to transfer $ 7.8 million in interest to Revlon’s lenders, accidentally paid off the entire capital of $ 900 million.

One of the three boxes was checked and it led us to believe the transaction was correct, ”said Fratta. “However, two boxes were not checked.”

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