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IKEA recalls 1M dressers as they could tip over and injure children | 3 On your side


IKEA dresser reminder

PHOENIX (3 on your side) – IKEA recalls nearly a million dressers in the United States and Canada because the furniture is unstable and could tip over onto children. The recall involves the & # 39; KULLEN & # 39; 3-drawer chest, which was sold from April 2005 to December 2019 for approximately $ 60.

IKEA dresser reminder

This reminder concerns the KULLEN 3-drawer chest. The chest measures 28 3/8 inches tall, sold in black-brown or birch, and weighs approximately 45 pounds.

IKEA has received six reports of the tilting of the dressers, including two reports of minor injuries, according to US Commission for Consumer Product Safety. If the dresser is not anchored to the wall, consumers should immediately stop using it and move it to a place inaccessible to children. IKEA offers a full refund or a free wall anchor kit.

the recalled dressers can be returned to any IKEA store. The company will also arrange free pick-up. IKEA can be reached at 888-966-4532 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. AND or go online to

IKEA recalls dressers

This is the label on the recalled dressers.

Click on the image to enlarge.


A Californian toddler died in May 2017 when an IKEA chest of drawers fell on him, causing him to suffocate. The dresser was one of the IKEA Malm series, and it was not the first time that the style of the dresser had changed.

Swedish furniture maker Ikea will pay $ 46 million to the family of a Californian toddler who died after being run over by one of his chests of drawers.

In 2016, Ikeapaid $ 50 millionto the families of three other children who had been killed by Malm dressers and agreed to redesign the product to higher safety standards.


"Furniture overturns can happen whenever something big and heavy becomes unbalanced," says, the CPSC website dedicated to teaching parents and guardians about the importance of properly anchoring furniture. "When children are young and active, they tend to look for new places to explore. This sometimes includes climbing chests or book shelves, or looking for things in high places that tip furniture . "

About every 43 minutes, a child in the United States is injured in a television or furniture spill, according to the CPSC. Rollover accidents have killed 459 children in the United States since 2000.

Rollover accident statistics

For more information on anchoring furniture to prevent it from tipping over and injuring children,

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