Iron Hill Adds 21st Location to Columbia, SC
Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant announced the signing of a lease in the BullStreet District in downtown Columbia, SC.
The location is their fourth location in the south and 21stfor the Wilmington-based restaurant group. Other locations to the south include Greenville, SC (741 Haywood Road), which opened in spring 2018, as well as the Buckhead and Perimeter neighborhoods of Atlanta.
The two Atlanta locations are slated to open this summer as part of the Iron Hill 20-by-20 initiative – a plan to open and operate 20 locations by 2020. Iron Hill Columbia is slated to open in summer 2021.
The New York Times called the 181-acre BullStreet District, now five years in a 20-year development schedule, one of the nation's largest downtown mixed-use real estate projects.
The 7,500-square-foot Iron Hill Restaurant and Brewery will include an on-site Iron Hills brewing facility, which can accommodate approximately 250 people, which includes a bar, dining room and outdoor dining area. Planned for new construction on Bull Street, the space will be in front of Starbucks (pioneer this spring) and near the REI outdoor store (which is scheduled to open in 2020). The new brewery and restaurant plans to hire more than 100 full-time and part-time positions.
We are extremely excited to continue our success in the South, said Kevin Finn, Chairman of the Board and Director of Development at Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant. Once we arrived in South Carolina and learned firsthand the warmth, charm and hospitality of its residents, we knew we wanted to bring more good food, quality service and a delicious craft beer that we have brought our fans to the Northeast since 1996. BullStreet is a thriving and newly developed neighborhood, and given its residential, office, retail and entertainment appeal, in addition to its proximity to several universities and colleges, we knew this area was a great choice for us.
The brewery and restaurant, located one mile from the University of South Carolina and South Carolina campuses, will be within walking distance of historic neighborhoods and major employers.
Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant is an American success story that explains how three friends with a great idea got there, said Robert Hughes, president of Hughes Development Corporation. We were delighted to have chosen Columbia and BullStreet as the third city in the south to settle in. They will integrate perfectly.
Named after the Revolutionary War Historic Monument near Newark Iron Hill, it has grown from the location on Main Street in Newark to its current size. The company has grown from its stronghold in the Delaware Valley to South Carolina and Georgia.
The company was founded by home brewers Kevin Finn, Mark Edelson and restaurateur Kevin Davies in Newark in 1996.
Each brewery / restaurant has its own scratch kitchen and craft brewery, as well as a head brewer.
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