Jim Cramer's & # 39; Mad Money & # 39; Summary & Actions March 5, 2020
Jim Cramer of CNBC recalled the investment advice that the legendary Warren Buffett gave to the world during the financial crisis of 2008, which is true today in a market plagued by coronaviruses. The host of "Mad Money" reviewed reports on the profits of Burlington and Kohl's stores, explaining why the two department store stocks are going in opposite directions.
Channel Omaha's Oracle
Berkshire Hathaway President Warren Buffett Walks Through the Showroom As Shareholders Gather to Hear Billionaire Investor at Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Annual Meeting of Shareholders in Omaha, Nebraska , May 4, 2019.
Scott Morgan | Reuters
CNBC's Jim Cramer presented a long-term investment case in a rocky trading environment on Thursday.
The host of "Mad Money" channeled legendary investor Warren Buffett arguing that it is difficult to time a dip but that the stock market would eventually continue its uptrend after weeks of turbulent coronavirus.
"Buffett always says that you have to be afraid when others are greedy and be greedy when others are afraid," said Cramer, citing Omaha's Oracle. "Buy America, I Am" New York Timesopinion piece published in the throes of the Great Recession.
Retail trade overview
Buyers enter a Kohl store in Peoria, Illinois.
Daniel Acker | Bloomberg | Getty Images
Cramer has broken down the quarterly reports for and department chains, doubling his investment thesis on the retail sector.
"You have to be discounted or online" to win in the retail business, said the host. "Everything else is in trouble, especially in this post-coronavirus world where things are getting a lot harder for the entire industry."
The assessment remains largely intact with Cramer's perspectives for the retail landscape that evolves from bricks to clicks. Investors, he argues, should put their money behind retailers who have solid e-commerce or discount strategies. Big-box and discount retailers are showing growth in sales, while stores connected to shopping malls are struggling to increase their revenues.
"If you want to be successful in retail, you have to make a full commitment at discounted prices or online. Everything else is going to be much harder in general, especially in the midst of a possible pandemic," said he reiterated. "And remember: this has more to do with buyers who don't want these stocks than with necessarily the way companies are doing."
Cramer's love at first sight
In Cramer's thunderbolt, host "Mad Money" ran through her thoughts on the daytime callers' favorite stock picks at a fast speed.
: "You're going to need a long term horizon for that because they missed their quarter very, very badly, and it's not like it's a situation likeor something where the product is used, whatever happens. I just think that DexCom is an example of an action that resists rather well. "
: "Oh, I really like Franco Nevada."
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