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Sour Patch Kids creates April Fools’ Prank Fund for mischievous TikTok users


Dive brief:

  • Sour Patch Kids, the candy brand marketed by Mondelez International, gives away cash prizes and candies to select TikTok users who post videos of their April Fools’ pranks, according to a press release.
  • The “Sour Patch Prank Fund” will reward 25 subscribers with $ 1,000 and 100 subscribers with free candy. Starting March 27, users can share a video of their shenanigans with the hashtags #SourPatchPrankFund and #Sweepstakes as a text overlay to enter the race. Sour Patch will comment on the videos to inform the winners and encourage them to share their winnings with the people they played a prank on.
  • The marketer has teamed up with five TikTok creators known for their joker content to spread the message. After April Fool’s Day was put on hold last year due to COVID-19, Sour Patch aims to resurrect the tradition by keeping an eye on social media and following safety guidelines.

Dive overview:

April Fool’s Day, an occasion where marketers frequently deploy captivating stunts, were misplaced in 2020 as the grim realities of the pandemic and life in lockdown first set in. Sour Patch’s latest campaign says there could be a resurgence of activations around the holidays this year, but with adjustments that recognize COVID-19 protocols and the increase in social media use that has occurred in the context of the health crisis. The Mondelez label links the concept to its animated mascots Kids, which playing with people in brand advertising to emphasize its tangy and sweet qualities.

Sour Patch hopes the promotion will gain traction on TikTok with the promise of cash and candy prizes distributed through its “Prank Fund”. The marketer also works closely with a team of creators, @TheCrazyGorilla, @VirziTriplets, @SometimesMamaYells, @SantiAndMikay and @ TattedBoy92, some of whom have over a million subscribers and have helped make stylish content. stuffing a popular category on video. -sharing platform owned by ByteDance.

Social media prank videos can get out of hand as users ignore their personal safety and that of others to chase views and engagement. YouTube in 2019 introduced a policy in 2019 that forbids “dangerous challenges and pranks. “TikTok has been embroiled in similar controversies due to viral challenges that involve discriminatory behavior and bullying.

Sour Patch described a set of rules prohibiting this type of content, as well as all videos featuring physical or emotional harm and inappropriate content such as drugs, alcohol, swearing or nudity. Entrants must be at least 18 years of age to receive rewards and obtain consent from anyone appearing in their video. The campaign materials illustrate the types of pranks Sour Patch is looking for, such as zipping a roll of toilet paper.

While the competition is age-limited, there could still be a way for Sour Patch to engage TikTok’s young active user base. Last year, the app surpassed YouTube as the most used by teens and tweens in the United States, according to a recent analysis by MMGuardian. The video-sharing platform has been adopted by nearly a third (32%) of these cohorts, and orders an average of 105.1 minutes on its service per day among users, per MMGuardian. YouTube recently hit back by recently expanding its beta testing of a TikTok-like application called Shorts in the United States

Sour Patch claims to be the # 1 snack brand on TikTok with approximately 871,500 subscribers.

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