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Inovio plans to finish recruiting volunteers for the coronavirus vaccine in April


The small Pennsylvania pharmaceutical company that is conducting human trials for a coronavirus vaccine plans to finalize the recruitment of dozens of volunteers over the next week.

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, one of three companies with ongoing vaccine trials, has started screening potential participants at a medical center in Kansas City, Missouri.

“We plan to complete the registration of the 40 volunteers before the end of April,” President and CEO Dr. Joseph Kim told CNBC’s Jim Crameron in “Mad Money” on Thursday.

The company has one of 70 Covid-19 vaccines in development, which must go through several studies to assess the safety and efficacy of a new drug. Johnson & Johnson, for example, plans to start testing its own solution in September. Pfizeris is also working on a vaccine.

Investors see an effective vaccine or therapy as the most important thing needed to allow the market to rebound from an unprecedented decline.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said in March that he expects a vaccine to be available for public use within 12 to 18 months.

“It is possible,” said Kim in the interview, “especially if you have a platform that has proven to be safe and if you have already tested similar approaches against other pathogens, like us.”

Inovio has become the second US biotechnology company to launch a phase 1 study of the Covid-19 vaccine. The Inovio study began in early April at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and the Center for Pharmaceutical Research in Kansas City, Missouri, after receiving approval from the Food and Drug Administration. Inovio said he would give volunteers two doses of INO-4800 four weeks apart. The company plans to receive the first test data in late summer.

Moderna, a drug manufacturer based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, launched its own trials in March at the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in Seattle.

CanSino Biological of China is the only company to have a candidate vaccine in phase two trials.

“That helps [the University of Pennsylvania is] my alma mater and we have done collaborative work over the years, “said Kim.” Phase two and beyond, we want to take advantage of some of the private institutions, like the University of Pennsylvania. “

The Inovio study is supported by a $ 5 million grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other funding from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, or CEPI, and the Department of Defense.

“We expect this global network of donors to develop even in the weeks and months to come,” said Kim.

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