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– Would you believe a concert on the stock market collapse?


Adam Pearl

By Michael Caruso

Tempesta di Mare, Philadelphia Baroque Orchestra, performed
Mississippi Bubble Sunday March 1, in the Presbyterian Church of Chestnut
Hill. The concert focused on the bursting of the so-called Mississippi bubble
investment and the subsequent collapse of the stock markets of 1720,
France then in much of Europe.

The title piece of the program was Telemanns Ouverture in B flat,
La Bourse, written in his second floor apartment above the stock
exchange in Frankfurt while the composer watched the financial disaster unfold.
The impetus was the inability to deliver the dividends expected by the company based in France
Mississippi company that had invested heavily in Frances colonies in the North

Even without the appalling relevance of the economic situation of
Three centuries ago with that of our time, Telemann's music is masterful.
Divided into six movements, five of which are studies of musical characters, the
composer employs the full panoply of a baroque symphonic ensemble with precision
what Tempestas co-directors Gwyn Roberts and Richard Stone presented on Sunday
afternoon for an enthusiastic audience.

Loose string section played with tangy precision and silk
chandelier, the woods were eloquent in their lyricism, and Stone on lute and
Adam Pearl on the harpsichord provided an unshakable foundation. Telemanns
the expert mastery of form and feeling was superbly defined.

The concert opened with a captivating interpretation of the Vivaldis concerto
in G minor, in which the whole projected the genius of the founder
father of the high baroque. Harmonic progressions followed
the other in a seamless stream of scintillating flicker. With a little help to organize
Stone, Roberts was the dashing soloist of Bach's Concerto in G major for
Recorder & Strings, weaving the delicate flutes of recorders
composers supreme contrapuntal texture.

The most dazzling score of the afternoon was Rebels Characters of the
Dance while its most delightful was the Concerto Faschs in G. The first offered
an unbroken line of seductive dance moves while the latter seduces the ear
with exquisite melodies and harmonies. Both were played with copy
technical polish and stylish musicality.

Perhaps most important of all, the beautifully revived program
music composed by musicians who lived and worked at the very beginning of the
canon of European classical music. The 18th century high baroque style
was the bread and butter of Marc Mostovoys Concerto Soloists of Philadelphia.
Its successor organization, the Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia,
often nods institutional head towards the music of Bach, Handel
and Vivaldi. More often, however, it builds its programs from different sources

With the Philadelphia Orchestra, he almost never performs the
transcendent masterpieces by Bach or Handel and rarely playing much
music by Haydn or Mozart, local lovers of the classics can only
Tempesta di Mare for its local concert season.

Tempestas recorders will interpret the art of Bach's fugue
March 8 at the German Society of Pennsylvania, 611 Spring Garden St. Its
harpsichordist Adam Pearl to play late French Baroque music on March 14
17 hours. at the Chestnut Hills Woodmere Art Museum and on March 15 at 3 p.m. in the
Museum of the American Revolution, 3rd and Saints chestnut trees. Call 215-755-8776 or


Chestnut Street Singers to premiere Dale
Trumbores Another type of flight Friday March 6 at 8 p.m. in the
Chestnut Hill Presbyterian Church. The work was commissioned by and
dedicated to the choir.

The text for A Different Kind if Flight was written by the current
and former members of the ensemble, reflecting how singing in
Chestnut Street Singers has had an impact on their lives. The concert also includes
music by composers such as Finney, Puts, Wolfe and Barber. The program will
repeated on Sunday March 8 at 4 p.m. at St. Marks Episcopal Church, 1625 Criquet

Admission is free, but an offer of free will would be greatly
appreciated. Visit


The Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia and Symphony in C
Mass Beethovens in C and choral fantasy on March 7 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Episcopal Church of the Holy Trinity, Rittenhouse Square. The concert
be chaired by Acting Music Director John Leonard; Tomoko Kanamaru will be the
piano soloist. Visit


Pennsylvania Ballet to Present World Premiere of Art Show
director Angel Corellas choreography of La Bayadere from 5 to 15 March in the
Music academy. The ballet is settled on the graceful score of Minkus. Visit

You can contact NOTEWORTHY
[email protected]. To learn more about NOTEWORTHY, visit

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