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Amazon Warehouse union vote failed, poll says labor lawyers face messaging problem


Union activists not only have an issue with Inc. factory workers in Bessemer, Ala., Who voted against unionizing earlier this month – they also have an email issue with registered voters, suggests a new Morning Consult / Politico poll.

In the investigation conducted April 9-12, 73 percent of a subsample of 1,028 registered voters said they at least somewhat supported the right of employees to bargain collectively for working conditions such as pay, care health and leave. This share includes 89% of Democrats and 59% of Republicans.

But once the term union was included in the wording of the questions and the other specifics of collective bargaining were left out, support was dropped. Out of a second sample of 964 voters, 54% said they supported unions at least somewhat, including 69% Democrats and 37% Republicans.

The survey was conducted with a total of 1,992 registered voters, with a margin of error of 2 percentage points for the entire sample and 3 points in the sub-samples.

In the tech industry unionization debate, all eyes have been on a small Alabama suburb since November, when workers at an Amazon warehouse first filed a notice of meeting. for the holding of an election to form the company’s first warehouse union through the Retail, Wholesale and Department Union of stores. After months of Amazon campaigning against the plan and President Joe Biden subtly rejecting his support for workers who join the union, organizers failed in a 1798-738 vote against the union, announced Friday.

In the Morning Consult / Politico survey, 47% of all voters said they had seen, read or heard a lot about how Amazon workers voted against unionization, attracting more attention than the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, in favor of raising corporate tax rates. support the Bidens infrastructure plan (37 percent).

As RWDSU has announced plans to challenge the vote count, the apparent loss is a blow to efforts by tech workers to change the way companies treat their employees. For example, the National Labor Relations Board informed two former Amazon employees Last week that Amazon illegally retaliated against them when they were fired after publicly pushing the company to reassess its environmental policies and the treatment of warehouse workers.

Yet unionization efforts in the industry have come to nothing as companies like Amazon claim they are already meeting the needs of workers with high minimum wages, solid benefits and flexible work plans. Amazon pays its workers at least $ 15 an hour, which many Democratic lawmakers say should be the national standard.

But while support for organizing fell when the term union was included in the new poll question, majority support has barely budged since. April 2020, when 56 percent said they supported unions and 77 percent said they supported the right of workers to bargain collectively.

A Gallup investigation conducted each year before Labor Day showed that 65% of Americans supported unions in 2020, which matches the 64% who said they supported unions a year ago.

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