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Ocean Winds Celebrates the First Power of Moray East Offshore Wind Farm


The developers of a wind farm in the North Sea are celebrating a milestone after exporting green electricity to the grid for the first time.

Ocean Winds also promised that there would be a lot more to come from the Moray East offshore wind farm, which generated the first electricity last week.

The energy was exported via the project’s substation south of New Deer in Aberdeenshire on Friday June 4.

Ocean winds, a 50-50 joint venture between Spains EDP Renewables (EDPR) and Frances ENGIE, won the right to develop renewable energies in the Moray Firth in 2009, as part of the UK’s 3rd offshore wind lease round.

The seabed made available by the Crown Estate has been split into two parts, Moray East and Moray West, to allow the development of the first, less restrictive.

Due to be completed later this year, Moray East will include 100 turbines and have a production capacity of 950 megawatts, enough to power 950,000 homes.

Turbines for the project are currently being assembled in the Highlands at Global Energy Groups’ Nigg Port.

Once finished, Moray East will briefly become Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm before Seagreen, which is under construction off Angus, reclaims the title.

Spyros Martinis, CEO of Ocean Winds, said: After a decade of working and cooperating with communities and businesses in North East Scotland, the First Generation is a proud and welcome achievement for all involved and represents a further step in Scotland’s energy transition. path.

But, this is only the beginning of the first turbines of our first project, there is much more to come.

Grzegorz Gorski, COO of Ocean Winds, added: Our mission is to make offshore wind one of the main sources of energy by providing more efficient and sustainable wind energy solutions in the world and Morey East is a clear example of success and innovation in this arena.

© Provided by Ocean Winds
Moray East will consist of 100 turbines and briefly hold the title of Scotland’s largest offshore wind farm.

Ocean Winds is planning further expansion in the Moray Firth with its Moray West development, which obtained planning consent in 2019.

The project is currently awaiting a contract for difference (CfD) from the UK government in order to start construction.

Offshore wind is expected to ramp up in the coming years, with the ScotWind rental process scheduled to end next month.

The program, the first of its kind in a decade, will make new areas of the seabed around the Scottish coastline available to future renewable energy developers.

Dan Finch, Managing Director of Ocean Winds, said: Ocean Winds has a long term commitment to the Moray Firth. We have knowledge and expertise not only of our industry, but also of the Moray Firth and the various communities, industries and businesses that are our neighbors.

We have always considered Moray East to be our first project; Moray West is ready for the shovel. Beyond that, we are delighted that the ScotWind process, which provides new areas of the seabed, allows us to continue working with companies in North East Scotland to continue the development of offshore wind in the Moray Firth.

Our commitment to the Moray Firth is long term and we look forward to Moray West and ScotWind who will create opportunities over the next decade.

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