Pandemic Heroes: GroceryHero Canada Connects Volunteers, Big Buyers, and Needy Medical Workers | Instant news
Whenever Chelsea dicoste saw a bowl in the shape of a hydrangea at his apartment table in downtown Toronto, he smiled. Flowers are a gift from Stephanie Wittick, a woman who lives nearby. DeCoste doesn’t know much about Whittick. The title, for example, is not what he does to make a living – how he looks – or where he gets the plants.
But he already has Whittick’s email address and phone number, and he will send his text messages touching humor and often in a series of activity, especially after giving Whickick DeCoste, a Nova Scotia doctor to offer a fellowship at SickKids Hospital, his head that runs him to the grocery store And send him a list of everything he needs.
“I really want to meet Stephanie and thank her personally,” DeCoste said Monday afternoon after the Easter holiday. “In some ways, it’s really fun to feel like you’re meeting a new friend, someone out of his way to help you.
“I really want to do something good for her, instead, after all this ends.”
“For us, it’s nothing: she puts another basket on the train,” said GroceryHero freight volunteer Stephanie Wittick.
Peter J. Thomson / National Post
This, as we know, is a pandemic, a fictional human fantasy movie that has lived in real time for weeks, and has changed the way we work, play, and interact – and help each other. Whittick is a natural assistant. He works in a private family institution and provides money and grants to those in need. With the emergence of a new normal, in the midst of COVID-19, Whittick felt itchy to do something. She and her husband Angelo are cooking enthusiasts. Love to cook and feed people. Unfortunately, outside of the immediate family, feeding others is no longer an option.
Fortunately, buying food for needy doctors (or nurses) that you’ve never met before is now available.
As Wittik began wanting to help, DeCoste began wondering how he would fill his fridge without actually going to the store and risking being exposed to the positive strangers of COVID who were unaware, for example, in the third lane, or vice versa risking the stranger exposing something annoying that he picked up At the hospital, Matthew Lombardi participated in a chat party with four of his business friends.
Lombardi, a 31-year-old management consultant based in Toronto, also lives in the city center. A doctor / friend told him how difficult it is to get food, from a logistical point of view to doctors who work like crazy, and he also expressed caution when entering the store, during this time, given the potential risks.
Lombardi and his friends, Elliot Charbonneau, Max Seltzer, Lucca de Plessis, and Hemanth Sonny, considered the doctor’s shopping problem a sign, and they began looking for possible solutions. The result of the 36-hour brainstorming session was GroceryHero Canada, a small, non-profit solution to problem solving that was launched as a Facebook page on March 29.
The simple genius of Lombardy & Co. is to match volunteer buyers with medical personnel, using postal codes. Monday afternoon, about an hour before Whickick delivered his last meal to the DeCoste door, the site successfully matched 700 medical (and counting) medical personnel with 700 volunteer (and counting) buyers across the country.
Matthew Lombardi, co-founder of GroceryHero, a non-profit organization for healthcare professionals who need nutritional ingredients.
Peter J. Thomson / National Post
“When you add evenings and weekends, working on GroceryHero spends most of our spare time,” Lombardi said. “But what are we going to do? We all maintain a social distance. We are all destined to stay at home, and this was a great way to get a positive outlet, and feel like we did something to help.”
Whittick drives a compact car. When he was shopping, usually every 10 days, he and Angelo searched for many stores, looking for the store with the easiest management groups. In the trunk of the car, there are three white laundry baskets: one for dostost, one for my elderly father Wittek, and one for the house.
“I wear a mask in a store, and I never thought that I would be one of those masks – but now I am,” said Wittik. “I’ve never thought that going to the grocery store can be stressful, but it’s true, so I’m very happy that Chelsea didn’t have to.
“For us, there was nothing: he put another basket on the train. This is a small thing we do, but it’s a big thing that Chelsea does.”
Chelsea DeCoste is receiving assistance with shopping from GroceryHero for shipping.
Peter J. Thomson / National Post
So, the mechanism for sending the groceries to the doctors he had never met is: Weitik approached the DeCoste building, leaving the elements in the officers, including the bill. DeCoste collected them there, then sent the outstanding amount electronically. On their first visit, DeCoste added advice to his payments, which Whittick thanked, before donating the extra money to the Food Bank.
On their first tour, Wetek added Cuban in utensils to the desired grocery store – as a gift – and reminded doctors that there were brighter days ahead. DeCoste kept flowers on his coffee table. When he saw them he smiled.
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