According to THE Facts of life Star Mindy Cohn, a “greedy bitch” from the original cast, sabotaged a potential reboot of the beloved '80s sitcom. The...
Scheduling a movie release date is an imperfect science and sometimes an art. Just look at the masterpiece that was Barbenheimer. Film review: A comedy of...
Hollywood TV series have been filming in Montana for quite some time now. If you haven't heard about the success of Yellowstone, I don't know where...
Despite the success of Barbie, which had a female director, co-writer, executive producer and … [+] Producer, progress for women behind the scenes has been slow....
article FILE-Spongebob Squarepants and Tom Kenny arrive at the 2017 Princess Grace Awards Kickoff Gala at Paramount Pictures on October 24, 2017 in Los Angeles, California....
Police are searching for a man who stabbed another man near the Metro Red Line station in North Hollywood on Wednesday. According to Los Angeles police,...