Tom Kenny, the actor who voices SpongeBob SquarePants, has revealed that the animated character has autism. Kenny, 62, recently spoke at Motor City Comic Con 2024...
India is home to many film families that boast considerable wealth. In Bollywood, the richest families are the Chopras, the Kapoors, and the Bachchans, who have...
Harlem Dance Theatre Company Artists Kamala Saara and Derek Brockington. Nir Arieli/Courtesy photography The Vail Dance Festival kicks off Friday, July 26, and will feature renowned...
On July 23, 1984, Vanessa Williams resigned as Miss America, becoming the first black woman to win the crown and the first and only winner forced...
16-year-old actor Nitanshi Goel became a sensation after the release of Kiran Rao's critically acclaimed film Laapataaa Ladieswhich was produced by her ex-husband Aamir KhanThis film...
Lawrence Bishnoi and his gang members had earlier discussed killing Khan and his relatives, the statement said, adding: “I therefore believe that Lawrence Bishnoi, with the...