Released on July 5, Bollywood film Kill surprised the world with its performance, surpassing all expectations and making a substantial profit considering its budget. The unexpected...
Bollywood actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui has no idea who the current captain of the Indian team is. Cricket is one of the most popular sports and is...
Rishi Kapoor made his Bollywood debut with this 1973 film. The 1970 film, starring Dev Anand in the lead role, was a huge success and dominated...
From over-the-top performances to bizarre special effects, these movies are perfect if you love to hate movies. KARACHI: If you are the type of person who...
For ages, we have been hearing about the huge salaries that Bollywood stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar and others get for acting...
Mrunal Thakur's mesmerizing beauty is enjoying fame in the North and South in recent times. Her songs 'Sita Ramam' and 'Hi Nanna' have brought her closer...