Congressman Shashi Tharoor tweeted on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's post on social media outing New Delhi: Congressman Shashi Tharoor weighed in on a tweet from Prime...
1 Turkey declares war Turkey has declared war on the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, announcing the launch of a counter-offensive that intensifies Ankara's involvement...
BORIS Johnsons stepmother died in a new heartache for ex-wife Marina Wheeler. Dip Wheeler died nine days ago on February 23, the Sun learned. 3 Boris...
The assistant II for development and economy of the regional secretary of Aceh, Teuku Ahmad Dadek, as well as the president of Kagama, Ganjar Pronowo, during...
I would first like to share with you some recent figures. According to statistics from the National Health Commission this morning, March 1, 2,837 patients were...
The COVID-19 coronavirus novel is undeniably real and daunting, not a hoax, as President Donald Trump proudly said at the outset. The other obviously damaging hoax...