South Asian wives are being used and abandoned by British British men who are getting married. This requires recognition of domestic violence as a form of...
As a result of the inflation report, the Bank of England was currently a candidate on the effects of Brexit deals. However, although the UK wants...
Comedian Samantha Bee discusses criticism of NYT’s Ross Douthat column that the Democratic Party is an issue. source
For the second time in July, US judge Judge Mindy Glazer confessed to being someone she knew outside of court. The Miami-Dade bail court judge acknowledged...
Journalist Jamal Osman has been in the Somali region for an exclusive meeting with al-Shabaab Islamists, an important aspect missing from the London summit. source
CNN’s Ben Wedeman reports that President Trump’s decision to pull out of Iran’s nuclear deal has given the green light to Israel’s transient attacks on Syria....