The huge giant was removed from a woman's home in Brisbane, Australia. The ten-month-old hive weighed 50 kg and contained 60,000 bees. Subscribe HERE source
A new type of robotic leg has arrived in this country – and they are providing new freedom for the disabled. . source
Los Angeles police are searching for the man who destroyed Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star with a sledgehammer and a pickaxe. source
Would you be able to give up your family and friends, maybe you will never see them again, so that your dreams can continue? That was...
An unnamed Japanese man named Newsweek, the creator of bitcoin, denies any involvement with the digital currency. But after being a leader in self-kicks through LA....
CNN's Eric Marrapodi and Daily Beast's Jamelle Blouie have acknowledged FOX News's release of Megyn Kelly about Jesus. source