It has been 30 years since the rough events of 1989, when the Berlin Wall collapsed, since the Iron Curtain was lifted and the Soviet Empire...
Ben Kavanagh gives his update to eight days in the UK within quarantine – trying to teach his Wuhan students online. (Name: The Irish national was...
A Labradoodle who was peeling like a lion sparked panic in Norfolk, Virginia. Anderson Cooper reports on CNN. source
They were separated at birth and took 70 years to reunite. George Skrzynecky and Lucian Poznanski, 69, were born in Germany after being sent to a...
Liverpool and Manchester are likely to vote, but why have so many in the north of England given Brexit? source
Comedian and 9/11 First Responder Defendant Jon Stewart visited Capitol Hill on Capitol Hill for ongoing billing to help financially support 9/11 first responders and their...