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Cruise Greg Mortimer will land in Melbourne after traveling from Uruguay | Instant news


Authorities are on high alert to prevent another Princess Ruby catastrophe when a plane full of passengers infected with Coronavirus landed in Melbourne on Sunday morning.

The plane carrying 112 Australian and New Zealand passengers landed at Tullamarine Airport shortly before 7 a.m., and the plane was surrounded by officers in military uniform while on its way to the terminal.

About 80 Australians have a corona infection on a 16-hour blessing.

There was a major operation involving dozens of officers from various government agencies, including emergency services and medical professionals to fill the plane, as passengers will be assessed individually on board.

The few passengers who gave her everything were clear to get off the front of the plane.

They were seen marching towards the fleet waiting for the Sky Bus, which will take them to the Quarantine Hotel, where they will stay for the next 14 days.

Those who show any symptoms of the Coron virus will be hospitalized by an ambulance fleet waiting on the runway.

The plane, carrying 112 passengers, landed on a cruise ship in Melbourne just before 07:00 Sunday

A few passengers gave everything clear to leave the plane and walk towards the bus fleet

The waiting ambulance fleet on the runway will transport sick passengers to hospital

A total of 112 passengers had spent 14 days aboard the cruise ship Greg Mortimer, who was moored off the coast of Uruguay when it was hit by a deadly disease outbreak.

Australia recorded 6,303 coronavirus cases on Saturday night with 56 deaths after the death of a 91-year-old woman, but the daily increase in new infections fell below 100 for the first time in three weeks.

Passengers are one of the biggest threats in the country’s fight against the halo virus, leveling curves and infection rates with up to 70 percent of those on board already being tested for COVID-19.

The coming weeks will be very important to know if the curves are really flat or whether this is just a mirage with a new wave of impending outbreaks.

“We have reports that up to 70 percent of these patients have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Dr. Annalisi Van Diemen, Vice President of the Health Authority of Victoria, said Dr. Annalis worked very closely with the operators of cruise ships to arrange the return of these trips to Australia.

Passengers from coronary cruise ship Greg Mortimer were on their way to Australia after 70 percent of them were positive for coronavirus. Filmed at Montevideo International Airport in Uruguay on Saturday

Pictures yesterday showed passengers celebrating when they boarded a plane at Montevideo International Airport in Uruguay.

Unlike Princess Ruby’s passengers – who are allowed to walk freely to the Australian coast without a test or quarantine – the medical staff will examine all tourists from Greg Mortimer before they leave the plane.

At-risk passengers are likely to be transferred to hospital for further checks, but even if they do not show any symptoms, they will be forcibly removed in the hotel for two weeks.

Passengers will be transported from New Zealand to a connected flight where they will be taken by plane to their homes.

Aurora Expeditions confirmed that 128 of the 217 people on board, nearly 60 percent, had tested positive for Coronavirus but had no symptoms.

“Our priority is to keep everyone on board as quickly and safely as possible,” Aurora Expeditions spokesman said in a statement.

“It was a terrible time for everyone involved.”

The medical staff will check all passengers from Greg Mortimer before they leave the plane in Australia

Passengers of the cruise ship Greg Mortimer carry their luggage across the runway after being allowed out of the ship for the first time in two weeks

An ambulance is waiting for a cruise ship Greg Mortimer to bring sick passengers, including five Australians being treated in the Uruguayan capital – Montevideo

However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs told the African Press Agency on Friday that five Australians were evacuated from Greg Mortimer and treated in a hospital in Montevideo.

Uruguay initially refused to allow passengers to disembark from the cruise ship, but then sent a medical team on board and monitored the situation via WhatsApp.

Carina Rando, director of the Ministry of Public Health of Uruguay, said most of the sick crew and passengers had mild and stable symptoms.

“We have extensive care, and the doctors are ready and not harming our residents,” Mrs. Rando told the Associated Press.

“We have the logistical and professional ability to serve these people.”

Australia recorded 6,303 coronavirus cases on Saturday night, with 56 deaths after the death of a 91-year-old woman

Passengers are checked by health personnel when they unload a cruise ship Greg Mortimer in Uruguay

The ambulance left after picking up a sick passenger from the cruise ship Greg Mortimer

Greg Mortimer left on March 15 en route to Antarctica and South Georgia but has been docked off the coast of Montevideo since March 27

A sign hanging on the balcony aboard the ship reads “Gracias Uruguay”.

Greg Mortimer left on March 15 en route to Antarctica and South Georgia but has been docked off the coast of Montevideo since March 27.

The evacuees, 96 Australian and 16 New Zealanders, were repatriated using a “humanitarian corridor” with strict biosecurity measures.

Ruby Princess arrived in Sydney on March 19 and shot over 2,700 guests without a health check before many passengers were positive for the coronavirus.

The failure schedule for Princess Ruby

March 18: Robbie Princess issued an urgent call to an ambulance for two passengers who had symptoms such as the coronavirus 24 hours before the vessel was allowed to dock in Sydney.

March 19: Princess Ruby arrives at Sydney Harbor. More than 2,700 inmates were allowed to disembark without adequate medical examinations.

March 25: Australian border commissioner Michael Outram says New South Wales Health is responsible for allowing coronavirus patients to get out of the ship.

March 29: Some crew members were evacuated and taken to hospital after being diagnosed with a coronavirus.

April 2: A 66-year-old crew member is taken from Ruby Princess for medical treatment. More than 200 crew members are ill and in exile alone.

New South Wales Prime Minister Gladys Bergerclean defended the actions of NSW Health and the Australian Border Force and pointed the finger at Ruby Princess. He claimed that on-board staff may have misled NSW Health about the level of illness in passengers.

April 3: Interior Minister Peter Dutton accused operator Ruby Princess of not being transparent about the health of the crew: “It is clear” that many companies have lied about the health of passengers and crew on board.

April 4: The leaked email showed that NSW Health was aware of the risk of coronavirus on Princess Ruby before allowing thousands of passengers to disembark.

April 5: Criminal investigations are launched into how passengers can disembark without a health check

April 8: A team of 30 state crime, anti-terrorism, and maritime crime investigators begins an investigation into the Ruby Princess virus scandal. The first explanation regarding the investigation was held.

The Uruguayan government has evacuated 112 passengers from New Zealand and Australia trapped on board the cruise ship Greg Mortimer for more than two weeks.

Passengers display banners reading “Thank you Uruguay” using cruise linen from cruise ships

The case of Coronavirus in Australia: 6,303

New South Wales: 2857

Victoria: 1,265

Queensland: 974

South Australia: 429

Western Australia: 514

Australian Capital Territory: 103

Tasmania: 133

Northern Territory: 28

Total status: 6303

Acceptable number: 3,267

Stop: 56

Passengers were transported on four buses to the Carrasco Montevideo airport, which was accompanied by the police, and their property was cleared before boarding.

A plane operated by the charter airline Hi Fly flew to Melbourne.

Medical staff will also accompany them on return trips, as the company pays travel bills with insurance.

“The aircraft will be arranged in the danger zone, with passengers seated with the test results and the level of maintenance required by the passengers,” said Aurora Expeditions.

Aurora Expeditions said the New Zealand government plans to reach out to its citizens directly to arrange transfers upon arrival in Australia.

More than 280,000 Australians have returned home in recent weeks, 6,200 of them disembarked from 45 cruise ships worldwide.

Many of those who have been diagnosed with the deadly HIV virus with Ruby Princess have become the largest source of infection in Australia, with more than 600 cases and 15 shipment-related deaths.

The Airbus A340 is waiting on the runway for home trips. The flight will land in Melbourne on Sunday

Passengers were seen on the plane after being evacuated from a cruise ship in the dark

A Selim passenger boarded the plane and returned to Australia after two weeks trapped on board the cruise ship Greg Mortimer

The ship docked at Sydney Harbor on March 19, and allowed more than 2,600 passengers to disembark without a proper health check-up.

Police are investigating the cruise ship, which is now mooring at Kampala harbor, south of Sydney.

A team of 30 investigators of state crime, anti-terrorism, and maritime zone command are investigating the communications and actions that led to the ship dock and land at Sydney Harbor on March 19.

The investigation will cover the actions of the Port Authority, the ambulance, the police, the Health Department of New South Wales and the Australian Carnival.


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