Australian disease experts are calling for coronavirus to be introduced to low-risk groups such as children Instant news
Australia faces a fearful choice between reducing closures and causing an increase in COVID-19 situations – or risking an economic catastrophe by maintaining current borders in life-saving efforts.
This is the opinion of some infectious diseases and economic experts who are asking for restrictions on coronaviruses to allow the reopening of places such as beaches, school restaurants and cafes.
But some top Australian scientists disagree, saying limiting relaxation too early can be catastrophic and potentially cause health system failures.
The controversy arose when Australia appeared to have succeeded in leveling the infection curve, with only 33 cases confirmed on Sunday – the lowest level since March 12.
There were 6,325 cases in the country on Monday morning, with 59 deaths.
A security guard stands outside the quiet St. Mary’s Cathedral in Sydney as there is no Easter service for people to attend on April 12. And the Danish political scientist dr. .
Photo: New South Wales police require people to patrol during the long Easter holiday at Bondi Beach in Sydney on Sunday.
The Danish political scientist and economist, Dr. Bjorn Lomborg, the economic impact of the closures in Australia is not worth the pain given because the second wave of infection is likely to emerge in the coming months.
He told 60 minutes: “The truth is that if we just want to stop the coronavirus in its pathways, we have to kill society almost entirely, and in the long run, this is not a sustainable solution.”
How does immunity work for COVID-19?
Scientists still do not know how immunity works against new strains of coronavirus.
But if it is similar to other coronaviruses, once a person recovers, it can be immunized anywhere between 18 months and two years.
This means that the recovered patient can go back.
But if someone has a health problem or an elderly person, he is still at risk until the vaccine is produced.
“We need to have a conversation, how much of an aura should we deal with, versus how much should we avoid completely destroying the economy?
At some point, we need to say “this is enough.” If we go any further, we will harm the economy more than the few additional people we will save. ” ”
Dr. Lomborg, head of a research center called the Copenhagen Consensus Center, compared Australia’s coronavirus responses by reducing speed limits on the road.
He said: “If you want to save everyone who died in traffic, you have to get him to five kilometers an hour.”
“Nobody will die. But of course, the point is that you don’t want to do that because that also has major social consequences.”
Dr. Lomborg said Sweden’s intermediate steps to halt the spread of the corona virus should be emulated by Australia to avoid an economic disaster.
Sweden allows continuing domestic flights, while restaurants and schools remain open.
By spreading the virus slowly through societies, health officials in Scandinavia hope to achieve collective immunity.
Herd immunity occurs when a sufficient number of people are immunized against the coronavirus by exposure to disease or through vaccinations.
But Sweden is now considering stricter restrictions on its citizens, and Prime Minister Stephen Levven said on Sunday that the country’s anti-coronavirus measures were “not good enough”.
Dr. Lomborg says (pictured) that Australia is facing a difficult-to-weigh balance process to save lives from the halo virus by facing an economic disaster.
Daily incidence rates in Australia have decreased dramatically since severe travel and social distance restrictions were put in place
People sit outside in the sun in central Stockholm, Sweden on Saturdays. The leading Danish political scientist encouraged Australia to simulate Sweden’s intermediate steps to stop the spread of the corona virus
Professor Emma MacBride, designer of disease models and microbiologist at the Australian National University, Professor Collignon, suggests that a low-risk population like children can be used to spread the virus slowly and increase immunity.
They say, evidence shows that children are less likely to be infected with the virus.
Professor McBride said: “If we do everything we can to ensure that no one dies from the Coruna virus, people will begin to die because of other things.”
“Children can be the key to getting out of the lock.”
Professor Collinion added: “All the evidence available worldwide is children under the age of 15 and they rarely get it. [the virus] Complications are rarely experienced. ”
The Coast Guard is trying to eliminate surfers in the water during the long Easter holiday at Bronte Beach in Sydney on Sunday
Chief doctor Brendan Murphy said last month – when Prime Minister Scott Morrison refused to close schools – children seem to be less likely to develop COVID-19.
Although the Australian government remains firmly in the belief that the immunity herd is not the path the country should take.
“If we try the herd immunity, we will end up with a very large number of very unhealthy people, a large number of people will die, so we will not approach the herd immunity in Australia,” said Michael Kidd, deputy director of medical ABC News radio. On sunday. .
The case of Coronavirus in Australia: 6.325
New South Wales: 2854
Victoria: 1,268
Queensland: 983
South Australia: 429
Western Australia: 517
Australian Capital Territory: 102
Tasmania: 144
Northern Territory: 28
Total status: 6.325
Acceptable number: 3338
Stop: 61
But Professor Collinion questioned the scientific benefits of locking Australians home – rather than encouraging them to take in more fresh air outside.
He said: “If you are in the sun – and the sun itself is a sterilization factor – I think if you stick to a two-meter base, it will be safer on the inside.”
“As long as you maintain your social dimension and reduce the people closely associated with you, I cannot see how it will transfer many injuries.”
Experts have warned that Australian social measures that mean this distance will mean that far fewer people are immune to the killer insect.
Scientists expect that the strict rules that are applied can be a double-edged sword, while loosening locking constraints that can create a major boom in situations.
Abroad, in countries like the United States – where nearly half a million people are injured – the lock can end in just a few months, or even weeks.
This is because large areas of the population will be attacked by viruses and die or recover, leaving them vulnerable.
But in Australia, not enough people are exposed to COVID-19 – meaning it can be fatal for parents and those with previous medical conditions.
Restrictions saw parks, beaches and public barbecue facilities closed (pictured on April 7 in Mollymook on the south coast of New South Wales)
Photo: Children play at a child care center in Helensburg, south of Sydney, on April 3. “Children can be the key to getting out of the lock,” said Professor McBride, Professor of Pathology
This situation has the potential to create dangerous new social classes in Australia, while allowing healthy people to go out and elderly people trapped in their homes until vaccines are produced.
Paul Komsarov, a professor of medicine at Monash University, told the Australian Daily Mail that the federal government’s “responsible” approach to the epidemic may be a mixed blessing.
“In Britain and the United States – because political leaders are not responsible – they have lost the opportunity to impose restrictions early and a large number of people have contracted the disease,” he said.
“But this means that the peaks are very very sharp, and that time may be shorter than us. Sarcasm.”
However, others argue that the closing restrictions are not far enough.
Professor Raina McIntyre, Head of Biosecurity at the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales, wrote a joint paper with three other scientists outlining the benefits of a short and sharp insurance for Australia.
Scientists say Australia’s gradual approach to closing the country, adding new restrictions on a renewed basis, is not enough.
Australia has much fewer COVID-19 confirmed cases than other countries
Silent epidemics may grow, driven by a mild or asymptomatic infection from people who do not meet our test standards, “scientists write.
Travel restrictions have become the most successful component of Australia’s approach, but increasing social distance and failure to close schools gradually means that it is not enough.
“This will make us deal with COVID-19 for a longer period, with new infection drops that continue to feed the epidemic,” they wrote on the UNSW website.
“What we need is a short and sharp closure of two to three incubation periods (four to six weeks), coupled with increased testing capacity and expanded testing standards.”
“This strategy, similar to the South Korean approach, will dramatically reduce the size of the epidemic, provide the health system and give us a more manageable baseline to protect Australia until vaccines become available.”
They also said that the steps should not go from six to 12 months – but only four to six weeks.
“China has demonstrated the usefulness of a short lock, followed by a gradual lifting of restrictions,” they said.
Short and sharp closings of four to six weeks will enable Australia to quickly control the epidemic and bring these numbers to a controlled baseline.
After that, the economic recovery could begin to gradually lift restrictions.
They wrote that “the slow droplet approach, especially if schools remain open, could lead to continued epidemic growth, a potential failure of the health system, and a longer path to recovery.”
Free kindergarten for 22,000 children: The Queensland government pledged to spend $ 17 million to keep 465 education centers across the state open
More than 20,000 children will have free access to community kindergartens throughout Queensland until June.
The Queensland government will spend $ 17 million on this program, leaving 465 centers across the state open for 2, 2020.
“This is good news for 22,000 children attending community kindergartens,” Education Minister Grace Grace told the media on Sunday.
Queensland Prime Minister Anastasia Balzkok spoke at a press conference at Parliament House in Brisbane, Australia, April 8.
He said: “What this announcement means is that parents can now maintain their enrollment in community kindergarten and continue their registration, because it will be free for the second semester.”
He said this means that about 2,700 workers working in community kindergarten centers will get jobs.
The move was welcomed by the Queensland Catholic Education Commission Dr. Lee-Anne Perry, who said it was important for young students to be sustainable and stable.
Prime Minister Anastasia Palaszczuk said on Tuesday data about the school for the second semester will be made.
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