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Australia Can Run Rice Because Countries Refuse To Export Its Supplies In Coronary Crisis | Instant news


An expert warned that Australia could run out of rice due to poor water supply management during the Corona Virus pandemic.

Vietnam – one of Australia’s major food sources – suspended all rice exports on March 25 when countries around the world closed their borders in an attempt to improve their food security.

To make matters worse, Marian Slatarie, a water expert, said that rice producers in the Murray-Darling Basin cannot make their products because the government sells water to those who pay the highest price.

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Photo: The cultivation of rice fields in the Murray-Darling region cannot increase their production due to the zero water allocation in the area – which experts say threatens Australia’s food supply.

South Murray, which extends across the southeastern state, is usually responsible for 60 percent of the country’s wheat and milk production.

This is widely seen as an “Australian food bowl” but with Murray in the absence of water allocation over the past two years, rice and dairy farming has not produced a crop.

“Clearly, rice poses a great risk because we have not used the water we need to grow rice,” said Ms. Slatarie, a former employee of the Murray Darling Basin Authority.

However, instead of providing water for dairy and cereal growers, the water is sold to almond and bean farms that can afford more under the river system.

“We need to be really serious about what we use for our water and for what we grow with the water that we have,” said Slatari.

Photo: A new influx on the Darling Barca Dry River in Louth, North NSW in February. One expert warned that the lack of water being directed to the South Murray rice fields meant that there was not enough rice to feed the Australian population.

Water expert Marianne Slatarie said that rice producers in the Murray-Darling Basin could not make their products because the government sold the water to the highest bidder.

Photo: The stream returns to the Murray-Darling Valley in Louth in New South Wales in February. As countries around the world stop exporting food, there is a growing call to give more water to the rice industry to protect food security during the crisis of COVID-19.

“I would suggest that our food security is crucial and that we must do our utmost to ensure our food security,” he said.

He said he would need a lot of political maneuvers to transfer water from bean farms to sick rice and milk producers.

The case of Coronavirus in Australia: 6,366

New South Wales: 2863

Victoria: 1 281

Queensland: 987

South Australia: 431

Western Australia: 523

Australian Capital Territory: 103

Tasmania: 150

Northern Territory: 28

Total status: 6,366

Acceptable number: 3338

Stop: 61

But Sultari and Johnson’s water consultants said this step was necessary, especially given that most of the peanut products were exported.

Citizen Senator Perrin Davy also described the Australian rice industry as a concern during the coronary virus pandemic.

He said that while there is enough food to supply 75 million people in Australia, the decline in rice production in recent years due to a drought of 55,000 tons per year means that supplies are no longer sufficient to feed the population.

Davy said that Australians eat 300,000 tons of rice annually.

“Because of COVID-19, many countries protect their own interests, which have a right and a meaning,” he said. Sky News.

“We must look at domestic policies to ensure we get a good harvest of rice next year and start producing our own rice.”

The Australian Daily Mail newspaper contacted the Murray Darling Basin Authority for comment.

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