Globe Editorial: How Canada Provides Major Country Epidemics | Instant news
Carlos Osorio / Reuters
When Canadian public health chief Teresa Tam said on Monday that almost half of all deaths due to COVID-19 in this country occurred in high-level facilities, it shouldn’t come as surprising. There are two reasons for this.
The first is that the same tragedy occurred in many western countries affected by this disease.
Preliminary data collected by the London School of Economics indicates that between 42 and 57 per cent of deaths in France, Italy, Spain, Belgium and Ireland occur in long-term care homes and other accommodation for elderly residents.
In Spain, the stories of parents who died in their beds frightened people. The same thing is happening now in Canada, in a nursing home on the outskirts of Montreal where 31 people have died, at least five of whom are COVID-19. Inspectors who visited RĂ©sidence Herron last week found that residents who had neither eaten nor dried had been put in dirty diapers after it seemed that weary and unprotected care workers left their jobs out of fear of injury.
High-level facilities in each province were severely hit. Ontario homes have seen at least 182 deaths. In Alberta and British Columbia, most COVID-19 deaths originate from long-term care homes.
Another reason not surprisingly, the upper dwellings are the cause of the killings because they are the ideal target for a new coronavirus.
These germs thrive in crowded places. In Newfoundland, it is believed that one person injured 143 people at a funeral. At least three died.
The elderly facility is a gift for infectious diseases, as residents share a common area and sometimes even bedrooms. It is also full of people with basic health problems that can increase the risk of death from seasonal flu, especially from COVID-19.
Since this risk is known, why are higher facilities not better equipped to cope with the epidemic?
The answer seems to be that the lessons learned from the SARS epidemic that struck Canada in 2004 were not applied equally to thousands of public and private nursing homes in every part of the country, from cities to cities.
If not banned, the virus can transform the hospital into an infection area, as SARS did in Toronto. But this did not happen, because doctors, nurses and other hospital personnel are now ready, with better training and updated protocols.
In addition, several limited tests for coronavirus were performed in Canada, especially in Ontario, for hospital staff and very ill patients. In addition, most of the country’s insufficient supplies of personal protective equipment, such as breathing masks, have been prioritized to hospitals (and even those with difficulties).
The lack of personal prevention and virus tests nationwide creates loopholes for older adults in long-term care homes.
Ontario Prime Minister Doug Ford said on Monday that he wants to test all residents and employees of major facilities for corona virus, but that is easier said than done, given the severe shortage of tests in the province.
In addition, it is long known that senior facilities everywhere suffer from chronic staff shortages due to low wages and difficult working conditions, a fact that was recognized by the Prime Minister of Quebec, François Legollet, this week. Some caregivers work in many homes, increasing the risk of infection. SM ordered her termination last week. Finally, Ontario did so on Tuesday.
It is also clear that the government is not doing a steady job of inspecting and organizing top facilities, a fact that has been demonstrated by the Quebec terror program.
The COVID-19 pandemic is an account of Canada and dealing with population aging.
Governments should ask themselves why they allow the transportation of older persons in a system with many known weaknesses. Study after study revealed employment problems and a lack of training, and there have been a number of notable tragedies in recent years, including a house fire in Vertle Verte, Que. , Killing 32 people in 2014.
Above all, governments need to rethink their priorities. If COVID-19 shows us anything, anything that is done to protect hospitals during the epidemic must also be done for older facilities, Stat.
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