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8 Bollywood actresses who achieved toned bodies through yoga


Bollywood divas who vouch for their toned body through yoga

Bollywood divas who vouch for their toned body through yoga

It takes more than just running on the treadmill and eating lettuce salad to get the body you desire. Plus, it’s not an overnight turn of events that will give you those washboard abs or help you tuck into your old pair of jeans. We often hear experts suggest that we need to pay attention to our surroundings, our stress levels, and the lifestyle we lead in order to get the body we want. And one way to achieve it, if not more, is with yoga,

The age-old practice that continues to be followed is your one-hour tip for glowing skin, a well-toned body, mental, emotional and physical well-being. Over the years, many Bollywood divas have vouched for yoga and the effect it has on them. As we celebrate Yoga Day today, we take a look back at eight Bollywood divas who attribute their well-being to yoga. Looked:

Samantha akkineni

We have often seen Samantha lifting weights and going on a hectic fitness regimen. But during confinement, the actress opted for yoga with her husband Naga Chaitanya. The actress then shared footage of herself trying out different asanas and explained how it has changed her life. Plus, Samantha is one of the few actresses with the hottest bodies in tinsel town and her role in Family man 2 is the proof.

Mira Rajput

Shahid Kapoor’s wife is not an actress, but her fitness regimen leaves everyone in awe. The star woman had recently taken the gram and revealed that she does yoga on a weekly basis. Plus, she continued to flaunt her curves which will leave no one in awe of anyone. Besides, does this wonder look like a mother of two?

Jacqueline Fernandes

No heroine can be as sexy as Jackie in a bikini. Whether in a movie or on vacation, this hottie spares no effort in setting fitness goals, and it’s all thanks to her yoga routine.

Malaika Arora

There isn’t a time when Malaika hasn’t talked about the benefits of yoga. The actress often uses her social media management to quickly jump from one asana to another with ease. Over the years, the actress has also inspired and motivated her fans to embrace yoga for a fitter lifestyle. Additionally, Malaika’s toned body can give any new heroine a run for their money.

Shilpa shetty

Shilpa can move better than anyone. From her flawless dance moves to her all-around yoga practice, Shilpa has been a strong advocate for embracing yoga in your everyday life. Besides, who wouldn’t want this magnificent body?

Lara dutta

The former beauty queen swears by yoga for her fitness and health. Moreover, the actress also chose to practice yoga regularly when she was expecting her baby girl. Lara has also started a book on prenatal yoga and has been gorgeous for so many years.

Bipasha Basu

Is there someone as sexy as Bipasha in showbiz? Besides constantly going to the gym and keeping fit, this Bengali beauty swears by yoga and often takes to Instagram to share the coolest ways to perform asanas with your partner.

Kareena Kapoor

Kareena was back to work after her first pregnancy in no time. She took up yoga and Pilates to lose all that baby and boy weight oh boy, Bebo looked breathtaking in Veere Di Wedding. From crop tops and bikinis to cute dresses, there wasn’t one outfit that Kareena couldn’t wear with ease. You wonder why ? In addition to her diet and diet, Kareena continued to do 108 Surya namaskars every day.

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