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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry make waves and cheer at the Royal Albert Hall


Royal fans have another glimpse of Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan of Sussex continued their "farewell tour" on Saturday in London at the Royal Albert Hall during a music festival featuring British military groups.

The couple traveling to Canada, whose status as an active royal family will change on April 1, arrived at the place named for one of Harry's royal ancestors to meet jostling photographers similar to the one who brought them greeted Thursday evening at the Endeavor Awards for the wounded. warriors.

This time, Meghan struck in an all-red set: a red dress on the floor with a matching clutch, dark red earrings and red pumps. Harry, too, sported color, wearing his Royal Navy uniform, according to the Mirror.

According to the Mirror, Meghan was wearing what appeared to be a dress from the British fashion house Safiyaa.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex arrive to attend the Mountbatten Music Festival at the Royal Albert Hall on March 7, 2020 in London, England.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were at the Royal Albert for the annual Mountbatten Music Festival. The festival, named after his grandfather, Prince Philip, is dedicated to bringing together the musicians, composers and conductors of the Massed Bands of Her Majestys Royal Marines.

Like the Endeavor Awards event, it was another nod from Harry to his philanthropic support for everything that is military (he is a former British army officer ), especially veterans and injured warriors.

This year, the festival performance marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and the 80th anniversary of the formation of the British Commandos.

The Buckingham Palace is an opportunity for the Royal Marines Bands to show off their musicality and their sense of pageantry. The performance presents a range of musical styles, including film music and traditional marches and openings.

Proceeds from the event are donated to the Royal Marines Association, the Royal Marines Charity and CLIC Sargent, which supports cancer patients under 25 and their families.

Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex were all smiles at the Endeavor Fund Awards at Mansion House on March 05.

The festival marks the second joint appearance of Harry and Meghan since the couple's return to the UK to make a series of final commitments before they return to Canada to become financially independent "free royals".

On Monday, the Sussexes are expected to join Queen Elizabeth II and the rest of the royal family, including Prince William and Duchess Kate of Cambridge, for the annual Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey.

Meghan is set to mark International Women's Day on Sunday.

Earlier on Thursday, Meghan, patron of the National Theater, made a secret visit to the Immersive Storytelling Studio in London, where virtual reality technology is used to develop new forms of storytelling.

The visit, which was not announced in advance, was documented in a series of photos of Meghan in a white shirt and long skirt posted on Friday Sussex Instagram page, which also confirmed for the first time the couple's visit to Stanford University last month.

The Instagram post said that "part of their learning journey" at Stanford included a virtual reality presentation to allow a user to live life through someone's point of view. ;other. "The purpose of this virtual reality method is to allow us to better connect and empathize with each other as people, regardless of race, age or nationality," says the caption. .

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