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A list of entertainment events closed by coronavirus issues


As the new coronavirus continues to spread, a new type of cancellation culture is taking hold in the entertainment industry.

In recent weeks, film releases, film festivals, concerts and other events involving public crowds and international travel have suffered from the spread of COVID-19 respiratory disease. Even the venerable South by Southwest multimedia festival in Austin, Texas was canceled on Friday.

From The Amazing Race and Sonic the Hedgehog to the Louvre and Hong Kong Disneyland, here is an overview of what has been affected by coronavirus around the world.


SXSW Film Festival

This year, the SXSW festival is no longer taking place.

(Matt Winkelmeyer / Getty Images for SXSW)

SXSW, scheduled to take place March 16-22 in Austin, was canceled Friday.

At a press conference in the afternoon, the mayor of Austin, Steve Adler, said that he had declared a local disaster and, with that, I have issued an order that effectively cancels the south southwest this year.

Main participants, including the label group Concord, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Apple, Netflix and Amazon had already pulled out before Friday's cancellation.

Chinese exhibitors will not participate CinemaCon 2020, the annual cinema trade show in Las Vegas. The event is expected to take place as scheduled from March 30 to April 2 at Caesars Palace, although organizers are improving the health and sanitation measures for the convention and maintain daily communication with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, according to CinemaCon website.

San Franciscos 2020 Game Developers Conference, a professional gathering for interactive members of the industry to be held from March 16 to 20, was abandoned after the withdrawal of several participants. Microsoft, Sony Interactive Entertainment, Electronic Arts, Facebook Gaming, Unity, Amazon and Activision Blizzard were among the major game companies that canceled.

MIPTV 2020, a conference on world content from March 30 to April 2 in Cannes, France, has been cancelled. The related events scheduled to take place from March 28 to 29 have also been removed.

the 2020 Thessaloniki Documentary Festival in Greece, originally scheduled from March 5 to 15, has been postponed. Organizers plan to postpone the event to the end of May or early June, depending festival site.

Saudi Arabia inauguration International Red Sea Film Festival has been postponed indefinitely. The event was scheduled to take place from March 12-21.

Famous venices Carnival, which was supposed to take place from February 8 to 25, ended prematurely on February 19.

FILMART 2020, the international film and television market in Hong Kong, will now be held from August 27 to 29 instead of the period originally scheduled for the end of March. It is the most important film market in Asia.

DC, the home of Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman and more, will not send staff to comic book conventions in March. The company says it will assess convention attendance on a case-by-case basis.

With COVID-19 hitting hard in Washington State, Emerald City Comic Con the organizers decided on Friday to move next week's event to summer. Refunds will be issued and details on the rescheduled Seattle event will be available soon.


No time to die

Daniel Craig as James Bond in No Time to Die.

(MGM / YouTube)

Almost all cinemas in mainland china, 70,000 screens were closed. Theaters in Milan, Italy, including the iconic La Scala, have also been closed.

Italy closed Wednesday all theaters and cinema or one distance requirement of one meter between clients cannot be accommodated.

The upcoming release of No time to die, Daniel Craigs' latest James Bond film has been postponed to November, according to MGM, Universal and Bond producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli. The film, which was previously scheduled to debut in the United States on April 10, will now be released in theaters on November 25.

China publishes for Paramounts Sonic the hedgehog, Universal 1917, Projectors Jojo rabbit and universal Dolittle have been postponed indefinitely. If epidemic precautions persist, future titles, including Pixars Onward and Sony Pictures Bloodshot, could also be threatened.

Last production on Paramount Impossible mission the project was delayed. The action movie, starring Tom Cruise, was to be shot on location in Italy, which has experienced one of the biggest epidemics outside of Asia. The franchise's seventh film is expected to hit theaters in July 2021.

Major film studios in China, including Qingdao Oriental Film Metropolis and Hengdian World Studios, have stopped their operations. The Chinese government has put an end to all film production in the country indefinitely.

After learning that one of his London employees may have been exposed to the new coronavirus, Sony Pictures Entertainment closed its offices for a week in London, Paris and Gdynia, Poland. Employees were invited this week to work from home.

The music


BTS performs at the 2020 Grammy Awards.

(Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times)

BTS, Green Day, Khalid, New order, Pentatonix, Stormzy, Mariah Carey, Avril Lavigne, Louis Tomlinson and Will are among the many musical groups that have canceled or postponed tour dates and performances in Asia, Italy and Hawaii.

The Philharmonic Society of Orange County has canceled a Shanghai Chinese Orchestra concert at Costa Mesa last month, despite all the musicians in good health. A Chinese New Year celebration was to take place on February 5 at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts.

the 18th Korea Times Music Festival, due to be held at the Hollywood Bowl on April 25, has been postponed due to current travel restrictions in Asia, according to the organizers. Ticket refunds are available.

the Ultra Music Festival, a huge Miami-based electronic music event, has been pushed back. The three-day concert, which attracts 165,000 fans from around the world, will likely be moved this month to 2021.

the Tomorrowland winter 2020 electronic music festival, which will take place from March 14 to 21 in a ski resort in the French Alps, has been cancelled by the organizers after the French government banned all indoor gatherings of more than 5,000 people. Tomorrowland Summer 2020 in Belgium was still on the program for July.


Phil Keoghan

Welcome Phil Keoghan to the Los Angeles start line on The Amazing Race.

(Bill Inoshita / CBS)

The 33rd season of the Emmy-winning TV show Fantastic race has stopped filming indefinitely and all the candidates and production staff are returning home, according to a CBS statement. No new production date has been set for the popular travel competition in reality.

The 16th season of ABC The bachelorette, with Clare Crawley, 38, will no longer shoot episodes in Italy, according to Variety. International filming has not been totally excluded.

FreeWheel Comcasts and Fox News removed from their annual advertisers initial presentations scheduled for March 12 and 24 in New York. Fox Entertainment would have canceled program development presentations scheduled for New York, Chicago, Detroit and L.A. during the last week of March.

Disney has deleted a two-day launch event for its new streaming platform, Disney +. The deployment was to take place on Thursday and Friday before the European service debuts on March 24; it will be replaced by an executive press briefing webcast next week.

Amusement park

Attraction Universal Studios Japans Jaws

Universal Studios Japan is closed due to coronavirus.

(Shizuo Kambayashi / Associated Press)

Universal Studios Japan closed from February 29 to March 15, the reopening date may change depending on the situation of the coronavirus.

Disneys thematic stations in Shanghai, Hong Kong and Tokyo were closed until March 15 at least. In a recent earnings call, Mouse House estimated that the closings would result in a loss of approximately $ 175 million in operating profit in its second quarter, if the parks remained closed for two months.


the London Book Fair 2020, scheduled for March 10 to 12, has been discontinued. About 25,000 publishers, authors and agents were expected to attend one of the largest international literary events in the world.

2020 Book Paris Book Fair, which attracts 160,000 people a year and was scheduled for March 20-23, has been cancelled in accordance with Frances' new policy on indoor gatherings.

the Bologna Children's Book Fair, which had been set from March 30 to April 2, was moved from May 4 to 7. The Bologna, Italy event typically attracts 1,400 exhibitors and 30,000 professional visitors.


Capitoline Museums in Rome

The Capitoline Museums in Rome are among those that remain open and impose a safe distance between visitors, although it canceled some tours and events in March.

(Shelly Rivoli / for the time)

Museums in Italy that can accommodate a distance of 1 meter between customers have been allowed to stay open, but attendance is down dramatically.

the Louvre in Paris closed for a few days after the employees left, demanding new protections against the virus, but it reopened on Wednesday.

the National Museum of Korea and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in South Korea, Beijing Palace Museum in the Forbidden City and in Japan Mori art museum, National Museum of Modern Art and Kyoto National Museum are part of the closings in Asia.

Museums (and theaters) in the Los Angeles area work as usual unless they hear otherwise from public health authorities, but more aggressively clean and disinfect facilities and make plans in case the virus spreads further.


La Scala Opera House

The La Scala opera house in Milan, Italy, suspended performances until April 3.

(Carlo Ferraro / EPA)

Performances at La Scala in Milan have been suspended until April 3, and the ticket office closed until March 15.

New York Metropolitan Opera On Tuesday, around 40 self-imposed 14-day preshows were imposed on all artists and staff traveling to New York from China, Iran, South Korea, Japan, Italy and Hong Kong.

This list will be updated as more closings, cancellations and postponements are announced.

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