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10 Bollywood stars who got bold and insulted their ex-lovers in front of the audience –


Relationships and breakups are a part of life, but sometimes not all relationships end on a high note. When we are madly in love with a person, we tend to ignore everything about them. But once the couple breaks up, some choose to express their feelings publicly.

Here is the list of 10 Bollywood celebrities who have publicly insulted their exes:

1- Jacqueline Fernandez and Sajid Khan

Theirs was love at first sight and, according to reports, they were all ready to be tied up. But it was Sajids on possessiveness that led the couple to separate in May 2013. After the breakup, Sajid, speaking of their relationship, said:

He started to get sour right after December. When you don't have a woman in your life, you don't have someone who is constantly harassing you, so you end up working better and more focused. I went on vacation with her for five days while I was doing Himmatwala and I felt so discouraged when the movie didn't go well.

2- Aishwarya Rai and Salman Khan

The couple were madly in love with each other. Aishwarya has publicly revealed that it was the aggressive and violent behavior of the Salmans that led her to end the relationship. She says,

After we broke up, he called me and talked about trash. He suspected me of having relationships with my co-stars. I was connected to everyone, from Abhishek Bachchan to Shahrukh Khan. There have been times when Salman has become physical with me, luckily without a trace. And I was going to work as if nothing had happened.

3- Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh

Saif married Amrita at a very young age although she is older than him. But a few years later, the duo broke up. In 2005, in an interview, Saif clearly spelled out all the reasons for his broken marriage to Amrita. He said,

It is not pleasant to constantly remember how worthless you are and to have taunts, taunts and abuse launched against your mother and sister all the time. I went through it all. Saif also said that it is also nice to be married to someone who is fun, handsome and non-judgmental. The three things. It is better to have a hot and sexy woman. Never have room for regret and never say, Oh, I wish I was married to a beautiful girl.

4- Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor

Btown's most famous computer couple was madly in love with each other but split up when filming Jab We Met. After the breakup, Shahid, when asked if he would work with Kareena again, said:

If my director wants me to work with a cow or a buffalo, as an actor, I'm ready to do it.

5- Akshay Kumar and Shilpa Shetty

Shilpa was really in love with Akshay and also had plans to marry him. But Akshay dumped her and married Twinkle. In 2000, in an interview, Shilpa explained how Akshay had cheated on her. She says,

Akshay Kumar used me and dropped me after getting someone else. He was the only person I was upset with. But I'm sure hell gets everything back. It is not easy to forget the past so early, but I am glad I had the strength to move on. Today he forgot the chapter for me. I will never work with him again.

6- Vivek Oberoi and Aishwarya Rai

After breaking up with Salman, Aishwarya was linked to Vivek Oberoi. Neither of them ever admitted to being in a relationship but it was obvious that the two were dating. Shortly after, Vivek held a press conference on how Salman was threatening him over the phone. It didn't go well with Aishwarya and she publicly labeled him immature.

7- Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor

Deepika was madly in love with Ranbir. So much so that she even had her initials tattooed with her name. But soon after, the duo split up due to the flirtatious nature of the Ranbirs. In an episode on Koffee With Karan, Deepika publicly exposed Rivir's frivolous behavior. She even went to say that Ranbir should approve condoms and that he should hone his boyfriend skills.

8- Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan

You live under a rock if you don't know the Kangana-Hrithik love story. In an interview, Kangana said:

Yes, there are a lot of lame rumors going around, even a stupid ass can tell where those rumors are coming from. I don't know why the exes do stupid things to get your attention. For me, this chapter is finished and I do not dig graves.

In response to which Hrithik tweeted declaring,

There are more chances for me to have had an affair with the Pope than any of the women (I am wonderful) that the media have named. Thanks, but no thanks.

9- Kangana Ranaut and Adhyayan Suman

Kangana also had a relationship with his Raaz co-star, Adhyayan Suman. Adhyayan, in a 5000-word long article, accused Kangana of being an abusive girlfriend and of doing black magic to her.

Being a metropolitan child studying in London and New York, I was always far from things like astrology and black magic.

10- Kangana Ranaut and Aditya Pancholi

Kangana is said to have had a relationship with Aditya Pancholi. About his relationship with Aditya, Kangana said:

I was physically abused. This man who was my father's age hit me hard on the head when I was 17 years old. I started to bleed. I took out my sandal and hit him hard on the head and he started to bleed too. I have filed an FIR against man.

Responding to her allegations, Aditya said that she was a pyscho girl and that he would take legal action against her.


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