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Remember Planet Hollywood, the kitsch restaurant chain promising a chance to hang out with celebrities


Planet Hollywood is the movie-themed restaurant chain where the walls are filled with blockbuster props. The first opened in Midtown Manhattan in 1991, then a few years later in the heart of Beverly Hills, at Wilshire Blvd. and Rodeo Dr. Its grand opening included Jean-Claude Van Damme, Brooke Shields, Cindy Crawford and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who were the biggest names of the 1990s.

But let’s be honest, Planet Hollywood has always been cheesy. Kitsch was the point. And like a lot of excess of that time, it didn’t last. He has experienced several bankruptcies, infighting at themed restaurants and numerous knockoffs.

Kate Floor chronic the 30-year restaurant saga for Esquire.

She says the idea started with production assistant Bryan Kestner, who was reading a script for the movie The Flintstones. Struck by Hollyrock, the fictionalized (and prehistoric) version of Hollywood in the film, he contacted his boss, producer Keith Barish. Along with a restaurateur, they made this dream come true.

The public was promised that [celebrities] would be at the next table when they went out to dinner. And that was part of the excitement for audiences of a Planet Hollywood that’s a hangout for celebrities, Storey says. You could have your burgers and be next to the star of your favorite movie and there would be memorabilia on the wall. It didn’t really work out. They went for the big events, but they weren’t really hanging out there.

Storey says that one celebrity in particular loved to hang out with Planet Hollywood: Stevie Wonder.

He liked to eat with everyone in the main dining room. And if it was someone’s birthday he would go sing along with all the waiters singing happy birthday to the boss which was a huge hit.

In the late 1990s, the concept of celebrity restaurants began to proliferate. Storey says Planet Hollywood has grown nationwide and has had to compete with new restaurants started by Steven Spielberg and Hulk Hogan.

He really started to fall apart. Keith Barish, one of the co-founders, has stepped down. … Then the company went bankrupt twice. And they had to rethink everything at the end of the decade.

Today, there are still a handful of Planet Hollywood, including the Las Vegas casino. And this year, an all-inclusive Planet Hollywood recourse open in Cancun.

Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas is one of the few chain sites that still exist today. Photo by Kobby Dagan / Shutterstock.

Looking back, Storey says the institution was a product of its time. She notes that Planet Hollywood was where people could try to get a glimpse of celebrity culture in any way they could.

Today we have reality TV. We have social networks. So we kinda saw the private side of celebrities in some ways, and the way we didn’t see in the early ’90s, she explains. It really captured that enthusiasm for celebrity culture and restaurants that made it work during those years and makes it a less exciting thing today.




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