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Leaked script for ‘Sex and the City’ reboot reveals Mr. Big’s drama


The leaked script details of the highly anticipated “Sex and the City” follow-up appear to show Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big have gone their separate ways and are in the midst of a bitter divorce.

While star Sarah Jessica Parker was spotted filming in New York City as the iconic protagonist of “Sex and the City,” Page Six can exclusively reveal in the new HBO Max series, titled “And Just Like That .. . “, his character laments his divorce from Mr. Big, played by Chris Noth, to his friends.

Sarah Jessica Parker is filming the Sex and the City reboot.
Sarah Jessica Parker is seen filming the “Sex and the City” reboot, which is set to feature a marital drama between Carrie and Mr. Big.
GC Images

Carrie and Big were finally married in the first “SATC” movie after he first got cold feet and left her at the altar of the New York Public Library.

But Page Six has learned from an exclusive script preview for the reboot that Carrie now in her 50s and podcast host and Mr. Big appear to be over and fighting for finances in a plot familiar to many. many Manhattan socialites. .

Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie) and Chris Noth (Mr. Big) are happily portrayed in the first
Parker (Carrie) and Chris Noth (Mr. Big) are luckily portrayed in the first movie “Sex and the City”.
Alamy Stock Photo

In the new scene, Carrie dines with best friends Stanford Blatch (played by Willie Garson), Miranda Hobbes (Cynthia Nixon) and Charlotte York Goldenblatt (Kristin Davis).

Carrie tells them she’s in the wrong place, “I was recording the podcast, washing my hair. Yes, I neither ate nor slept, but at least I felt good about my marriage. Now am I just one of the women he looked after?

A leaked script of
A leaked script from “And Just Like That …” shows problems in Carrie and Big’s marriage.

Fans will recall Mr. Big married twice before Carrie to book publisher Barbara, played by Noelle Beck, and Natasha Naginsky, played by Bridget Moynahan.

Fans were last seen wrestling in their early years of marriage when Carrie had a brief romantic affair with ex-fiance Aidan Shaw, played by John Corbett, in Abu Dhabi in the second “SATC” movie. . When she confessed everything to Mr. Big, he gave her a solid black diamond ring to reconfirm their engagement.

Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon and Sarah Jessica Parker are seen shooting
Kristin Davis, Cynthia Nixon and Parker are seen filming “And Just Like That …” in New York City.
MediaPunch / BACKGRID

While Kim Cattrall does not return As man-eater Samantha Jones, HBO Max has announced that Sara Ramrez, Nicole Ari Parker, Sarita Choudhury and Karen Pittman have joined the cast.

Ramrez, winner of a Tony will play Che Diaz, a non-binary queer comedian who hosts a podcast regularly featuring Carrie. Nicole Ari Parker, known for a series of shows from “Empire” to “Chicago PD,” will play Lisa Todd Wexley, a Park Avenue mother of three nicknamed LTW.

Choudhury, best known for her starring role alongside Denzel Washington in “Mississippi Masala,” will play Seema Patel, a powerful Manhattan real estate broker. Pittman (“The Morning Show”) will appear as Columbia law professor Dr. Nya Wallace, described as brilliant but inspiring.

Kristin Davis and Willie Garson are seen on the set of
Davis and Willie Garson are seen with executive producer Michael Patrick King on the set of “And Just Like That …” on July 12th.
Diane Cohen / BACKGRID

There are no details yet on how they fit into the lives of Carrie and her friends.




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