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Smooth sailing: ex-Yankees star Alex Rodriguez enjoys Europe yacht vacation with a multitude of beauties


Alex rodriguez is living his best life.

Thursday the New York Post reported that the former New York Yankees slugger was taking a yacht vacation in Europe.

Friday, Sixth page provided some of the juicy details of her fun in the sun:

Alex Rodriguez was seen descending a yacht slide while on vacation in Saint-Tropez alongside several women in bikinis on Friday. … Rodriguez was accompanied by a crowd of beauties aboard the luxury float. The ladies were also seen having fun soaking up the sun on the yacht’s deck.

The Post reported that Rodriguez is on vacation for two reasons: to celebrate his purchase of theMinnesota Timber Wolvesand his upcoming 46th birthday.

Spies said A-Rod was spotted having lunch in Portofino, Italy on Thursday with friends and family at the restaurant at the Splendido Mare DaV Mare hotel. … We learn that the former Yankees slugger and his group then embarked on a luxury yacht to go to St-Tropez and Monte Carlo, as well as to Ibiza, the time of two weeks of vacation. … A friend told us that A-Rod was in Europe for business meetings and then met up with family and friends to take the birthday boat trip.

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Earlier this week, theNBAThe Board of Governors has approved the sale of the Timberwolves to Rodriguez and his business partner Marc Lore. The pair are buying the team for $ 1.5 billion.

Rodriguez, who turns 46 on Tuesday, has made headlines for the past year. From his unsuccessful attempt to buy the New York Mets to the inauguration of President Joe Biden, breaking up with Jennifer Lopez (who has reunited with former beau Ben Affleck), renting a swanky summer beach in the Hamptons (which is located just a mile from J.Los Estate) and becoming an NBA owner, Rodriguezs 45th year on the planet was a year he will certainly not soon forget.

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