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MC Altaf: Unfortunately, Indian music consumption remains dominated by Bollywood


Popular for his Bronx-inspired approach to his music, hip-hop artist MC Altaf rose to fame after starring in Zoya Akhtars fillm, Ravine boy in 2019. And while the film has pushed the genre and helped it become a bit mainstream, Altaf believes it’s still too early to say whether hip hop has become widely accepted.

I think Bollywood pop and music has always overshadowed hip-hop, which has been largely an underrated genre. First it was imitation rap that was replaced by desi hip-hop, then gully hip-hop and hopefully there will come a time when hip-hop doesn’t need to. such sub-genres and that all Indian hip-hop is considered mainstream, says Altaf adding that the need of the hour is for labels and promoters to believe in the genre and rap and hip-hop artists can have it. the same influence, respect and loyalty as commercial artists.

More often than not, we saw that there was a need for Bollywood film music to help push the music of other types. The hip-hop star admits that sometimes you just need one big-banner movie or actor to support a product or service in India for it to explode out of proportion.

Sadly, Indian music consumption is still dominated by Bollywood. Punjabi artists were never popular until they started signing film contracts and had well-known actors endorsing their art. I guess it’s the same logic, he thinks.

As rapper, hip-hop artist, Altaf, who recently released his new track Likha Maine, who he says is inspired by his reality and what surrounds him and many others on a daily basis, has a big dream for the genre in India. I want the next Eminem, Jay-Z, Cardi B, Nicki Minaj and Drake to come out of India! he says.

But the question remains: do we have enough people to support such hip-hop talent in our country?

According to Altaf, there are a lot of upcoming artists who are not yet exposed to a large audience. To keep the momentum going, you have to support talented new artists who have the potential to bring a breath of fresh air.

Musicians also believe digital platforms should start documenting more of Indian hip-hop’s journey to raise awareness. It will also encourage artists. Hip-hop is not limited to writing about wrestling, ravine life or women and vices, but it is much more, what our listeners will take time to understand, he concludes.

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