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Jayanti: a nuanced actor and a daring star


Veteran actress Jayanti, 76, who died on Monday, was one of the most popular and critically acclaimed actresses of her time.

Born as Kamala Kumari in Ballari on January 6, 1945, she was trained by her mother Santanalakshmi to become a ballet dancer from an early age, for which she moved to Chennai and then Madras. But it is the films that have become his vocation.

Small roles in adolescence

As a student at a dance school, the teenager starred in small roles with other girls, including veteran Tamil actor Manorama who was her teammate. Spotted by filmmaker YR Swamy, she made her Kannada cinema debut with the screen name he gave her Jayanti. Jenu Goodu in 1963 was her first film and she never looked back.

His second film Chandavalliya Thota vis-à-vis Dr Rajkumar was a huge success and she also won a national award for it. She started acting in Tamil and Telugu films.

She has appeared in more than 500 films in five languages ​​Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi. She has been associated with the screen in several films with morning idol Dr. Rajkumar in Kannada and has made the most number of films with him. She performed with NT Rama Rao in Telugu and Gemini Ganesh in Tamil. She also had long collaborations with important Puttanna Kanagal in Kannada and K. Balachander in Filmmakers.

However, all of the awards for his performance were for his work in films Kannada four times best actor, two times best supporting actor and two Filmfare awards for best actor. Critically acclaimed actress, her name was Abhinaya Sharade by connoisseurs of the film Kannada.

Glamorous avatar

What cemented his place in the Kannada film pantheon as a star was the 1965 film Miss Leelavathi, where she was featured in a glamorous avatar. It was in this film that a Kannada actor first wore a swimsuit on screen. The film, much discussed for its bold portrayal of female sexuality, won a national award and remains a cult classic to this day.

Almost a decade later, she attempted a similar role in Eda Kallu Guddada Mele in 1973, for which she won her first state award for best actor. In her later years, she graduated to try out supporting roles in films in four languages, as well as in a few TV series.

Troubled life

Jayanti has often talked about how difficult it is for her to become famous. She was often derided for her excess weight and that gave her a complex. Jayanti has also had an eventful personal life. She was married to Telugu actor and filmmaker Peketi Shivaram, but the couple quickly separated.

Jayanti had suffered from asthma for over 35 years and often developed breathing problems and had severe bouts of illness in 2018 and earlier this year.

condolences BSY

Outgoing Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa offered his condolences on his death and described Jayanti as an actor who could easily take on many roles. Many players in Kannada’s film industry mourned his passing.




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