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Shilpa Shetty Breaks Down, Fought With Raj Kundra In Home Raid In Porn Case: Report | Bollywood

Shilpa Shetty Breaks Down, Fought With Raj Kundra In Home Raid In Porn Case: Report |  Bollywood


Actress Shilpa Shetty fought with her husband, businessman Raj Kundra, during a raid on their home by the criminal branch, Mumbai police sources told ANI on Monday. She reportedly burst into tears during the argument and the team had to intervene to calm her down. She also told the cops that she was not aware of his actions.

Raj Kundra was arrested last week in connection with a porn racket and is currently in custody. He is said to be involved in the production and distribution of pornographic content through an application called Hotshots.

According to the sources, Shilpa was also questioned when the criminal branch raided Rajs Mumbai’s home. Shilpa was very upset after the interrogation. She and Kundra had a huge argument where she screamed and asked him what was the need to do such a thing and why he had done everything. The criminal branch team had to intervene between the couple to appease the actress, the sources said. They added that Shilpa tearfully told police that she was not aware of the contents of the Rajs app.

Sources said Shilpa confronted Raj and told him that his actions not only resulted in the smear of the last name, but also the cancellation of endorsements and financial loss. She asked him what was the need for doing such things when they reached a position in society, Mumbai police sources said.

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According to the sources, Raj expected his arrest after nine others were arrested in the porn case in March and tried to cover their tracks. Kundra had changed phones in March so that no data could be retrieved. When Crime Branch officials asked him about his old phone, he told them he had thrown it away. Police believe the old phone contains a lot of important evidence and are looking for it, they said.

A financial auditor, appointed by the criminal branch, investigates the Raj and Shilpas funds. During the investigation, the Crime Branch discovered that transactions worth millions of dollars had been made from the joint account of Shilpa Shetty and Raj Kundra. The Crime Branch suspects that the revenue from the Hotshots and Bolly Fame apps was coming into this account, sources said, adding that an investigation was underway to find out whether the money earned from the apps was being invested in bitcoin.

Raj was arrested last Monday in connection with a pornography case. He was convicted under Articles 420 (cheating), 34 (common intent), 292 and 293 (related to obscene and indecent advertisements and postings) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) as well as the relevant sections of the Computer Law and indecent representation. of the law on women (prohibition). He was taken into police custody until July 27.

(With entries from ANI)




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