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Harry Potter star Julie Walters talks about her career change


Dame Julie Walters is a British actor best known for her work in the Harry potter film series. Walters played Molly Weasley, the matriarch of the Weasley family who defeated Bellatrix Lestrange at the Battle of Hogwarts. After a recent change in her health, the 70-year-old actress raised the idea of ​​exploring a career change.

& # 39; Harry Potter & # 39; Julie Walters
Dame Julie Walters | Dave J Hogan / Dave J Hogan / Getty Images

Who is Julie Walters?

Walters is a writer, actor and comedian widely regarded for his work in films like Educate Rita, Mamma Mia, and Billy elliot. She has received a number of awards for her acting ability, including four BAFTA Television Awards and a Golden Globe for Best Actress in Educate Rita. Other Walters film credits include guy, Get out of, Titanic Town, Driving lessons, and Mary Poppins Returns.

What led Julie Walters to consider a career change

BBC News reported that Walters had gone to a doctor in 2018 for indigestion and stomach pain, which then worsened heartburn and vomiting. Her doctor referred her to a gastric surgeon, who discovered two tumors on her large intestine. Walters was then diagnosed with stage three bowel cancer. According to Cancer Research UK, bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in the UK. "I was still saying to myself," This is ridiculous, he must have made a mistake. "I couldn't believe it," said Dame Julie.

Despite his diagnosis, Walters was not going to give up. The actor agreed to have surgery to remove the cancer. In an interview with BBC News, Walters reported that nearly one foot of his colonist had been removed. The surgery was not enough, however, and Walters needed to undergo chemotherapy. Fortunately, doctors at Walters got rid of her cancer in February 2020.

His diagnosis and treatment of cancer changed Walters' outlook on his career. She said: "The person before the operation is different from that person," calling his hiatus to act "a huge relief." Although Walters has enjoyed her acting career, there have been times when she was "stressful and consuming", she told me.

Last role of Julie Walters

By the time Walters was diagnosed with cancer and started chemotherapy treatments, she had already started filming The secret garden. The film should be released in April 2020, with Walters, Colin Firth and Dixie Egerickx.

While his role will still be featured in the upcoming film, many parts of Walters had to be cut to bypass his treatment schedule, according to BBC News. Walters also missed the premiere of Mamma Mia 2 due to the planning of chemotherapy.

Although she has not officially retired as an actress, The secret garden will probably be Walters' latest film. During her interview with Victoria Derbyshire of the BBC, Walters explained that if a project came to her, she would do it.

Prior to his diagnosis, Walters was hired to star in two series and two films. When she was unable to fill these roles, Walters said it was "wonderful" to feel a sense of relief. "I'm not saying I'll never act again," said Walters, "but I certainly don't think I can come back to (a film that requires work) six days a week, five in the morning until ;at seven. clock at night. "

Fans understand Walters' exit from the world of theater, given her diagnosis of cancer and all she went through to beat him. With a new perspective on life, Walters can hand-select the projects she wants to work on in the future. For now, she plans to enjoy life with her husband, Grant Roffey.

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