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Lollapalooza drops DaBaby after comments on HIV / AIDS – The Hollywood Reporter


Lollapalooza removed DaBaby from its Sunday lineup after the rapper came under fire for homophobic remarks he made during his set at another music festival last weekend.

Lollapalooza’s official Twitter account posted Sunday morning that the festival, which celebrates its 30th anniversary with this year’s edition this weekend in Chicago, “was founded on diversity, inclusiveness, respect and love. With that in mind, DaBaby will no longer be performing at Grant Park tonight.

As part of the change, the festival announced that Young Thug will perform at 9 p.m. on the Bud Light Seltzer stage and G Herbo will perform at 4 p.m. on the T-Mobile stage.

At the Rolling Loud Festival in Miami on Sunday July 25 DaBaby asked fans shine their cell phone lights if they “don’t show up today with HIV / AIDS, one of those deadly sexually transmitted diseases that will kill you in two to three weeks.”

The rapper, known for his hit “Rockstar” and appearing on a remix of “Levitating” by Dua Lipa, continued to make more raw comments about gay women and men.

DaBaby made his remarks Monday on Instagram Live, claiming that gay and straight fans enjoyed his performance.
“I wasn’t going to make a rant. This is called a call to action. That’s what it’s called, because I’m a live artist, ”he added. “I am the best live artist. “

He went on to say that his gay fans don’t have HIV / AIDS “because they’re not“ mean ”or“ drugged. ”“ They have class, ”he said.

It apologized on Twitter Tuesday, writing: “Anyone who has ever been affected by AIDS / HIV, you all have a right to be upset, what I said was insensitive even though I have no intention of offending anyone. So my apologies. But the LGBT community… I’m not tripping over all of you, am I. all your business is your business.

Still DaBaby’s continued to be the subject of criticism for its comments from a number of prominent musicians, including Elton John, Madonna and Questlove.

John tweeted on Wednesday that he was “shocked” to hear DaBaby’s remarks, saying that such comments lead to “stigma and discrimination and are the opposite of what our world needs to fight the epidemic of AIDS ”. The longtime HIV / AIDS activist said musicians should bring people together.

For her part, Dua Lipa, who has faced calls to remove the rapper from the “Levitating” remix, said on Instagram Monday that she is “surprised and horrified” by his comments.

“I really don’t recognize this as the person I worked with,” she added. “I know my fans know where my heart is and that I am 100% with the LGTBQ community. We must unite to fight the stigma and ignorance around HIV / AIDS.

Lollapalooza is set to end on Sunday after it kicks off Thursday at Grant Park in Chicago. Ahead of the festival, amid concerns about the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the United States due to the more contagious delta variant, organizers said attendees would need to prove they had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or tested negative for the disease within the last three days. Anyone who is not vaccinated must wear a mask.

The event was to welcome around 100,000 daily participants, the Associated Press reported, and will be the largest gathering in Chicago since the start of the pandemic and one of the largest gatherings in the country since March 2020.




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