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Elizabeth Warren appears on "SNL" when cold opening the coronavirus (watch) – Variety


Many things can happen in a short week. On Saturday February 29, "Saturday Night Live" opened its episode with a press conference on COVID-19 which turned into an unexpected press conference of democratic presidential hopes because the primaries were the biggest story. But only seven days later, most of these candidates had abandoned the race, leaving Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden the last men standing, and COVID-19 became news for events that canceled due to concerns (all from SXSW in the United States to Mip TV in France) and states of emergency declared in places like New York. The March 5 episode of NBC, a late night skit sketch, therefore shone the spotlight on the virus, but made a surprise political appearance for good measure.

Elizabeth Warren appeared in the sketch as herself, visiting Kate McKinnon's Laura Ingraham via satellite. McKinnon's Ingraham told her that she "certainly had a memorable campaign" and then shot footage which she said was Warren debating Mike Bloomberg, but was just the viral clip Warren's Golden Retriever Bailey stealing someone's burrito.

When asked if she approved someone, Warren replied, "It is difficult." Maybe I'll just pull up a New York Times and approve them both. "

But more seriously, she added that she was proud of her campaign because "we have built a broad coalition of teachers, preschool teachers, college teachers and animals from company of teachers. And not only did I not accept the money from the billionaires, but I have to give one on live TV.

"But now I have time to do some personal care," she continued. "Go out with my dog ​​Bailey, prank the banks, race Subarus dragsters, avoid Twitter."

McKinnon made a quick change to a matching outfit and snuck in with Warren for "thanks for everything you've done in your life."

"I am not dead, I am just in the Senate," said Warren.

The majority of the sketch, however, focused on COVID-19, or more broadly, the coronavirus.

"The left continues to run its misleading, dishonest and, frankly, gay smear campaign against President Trump," she said before showing an excerpt of what she said was "loco libs driving to Whole Foods to buy his last bottle of organic Purell "but was actually a Vin Diesel clip in the" Fast and the Furious "franchise.

"The left is trying to engulf people in unrestrained fear of lies," she continued, "which is not right – this is our thing.

She went on to say that the virus is an urban legend – "and yes, I said urban like a dog whistle." The point is, you have far more important things to worry about. "This list, which she then read, included" women who keep their maiden names, Montessori schools, Mexican teens rehearsing a dance for a quinceanera in a public park "and" black marching bands – do they are too good. "

Cecily Strong joined McKinnon in the sketch, resuming her role as judge Jeanine Pirro who said: "Americans are not at risk" of the virus – "especially not our viewers, who bias the elderly, are in bad shape health, live cloistered together in houses specifically for sick people and have smoked all their lives. "Claiming that she was not worried, she said:" If you see me avoiding Chinese restaurants, it is not because I am afraid, it is because I don't trust the Chinese. A fortune cookie once told me to lower my voice and I never looked back. "She also noted that" alcohol is a disinfectant, so mom will live forever. "

Mikey Day and Alex Moffat also appeared in their respective recurring roles as Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.

"Our father has everything under control," said Day’s Tump as Trump from Moffat simply imitated his body language and his sideways movements. "Democrats would like people to get sick so they can use it to their advantage – like the way we give Eric raw chicken so he misses important meetings."

Darryl Hammond appeared as Chris Matthews, who recently left MSNBC amid inappropriate comments about the women and Sanders. "The race is up to Hitler and an ice cream cone to see who can beat the Michelin man," he said in response.

Later in the episode, Rachel Dratch resurrected Debbie Downer for a wedding sketch. She started with a full face mask – "Unfortunately, with COVID-19, you cannot show any symptoms and still be highly contagious," she told her table mates. "They say to give up the masks, but good luck having one when we are faced with a global pandemic."

"Saturday Night Live" is broadcast live from Saturday to Saturday at 11:30 p.m. ET / 8:30 p.m. PT on NBC.

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