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Pete Davidson punished? The actor of "Saturday Night Live" is MIA from Show After Slagging Cast, saying that he wanted to leave


Home Celebrity Pete Davidson punished? The actor of "Saturday Night Live" is MIA of Show After …

Where was Pete Davidson tonight on "Saturday Night Live"? Absent. Completely missing in action.

Davidson was in the opening credits but clearly not on the show tonight. He wasn't even on stage at the end.

It's only been 10 days since Davidson granted an interview in which he pulled out of the cast and said he was probably leaving the show.

Oddly enough, last week – right after the interview – he appeared in a heap of sketches on the show hosted by John Mulaney. But Mulaney and Davidson are friends, so it could have had something to do with it.

Davidson’s absence is glaring as he has a debut film next week on Hulu titled “Big Time Adolescence”. He also has a feature film coming in June.

But Pete's time at "SNL" may be over. In the interview with Charlamagne Tha God, he said he was ready to leave the show because he thought his casting comrades thought he was stupid, I don't know if I'm the joke or if I'm on the joke.

Now the joke can be on him.

Otherwise, "SNL" was pretty good tonight. The musical guest The Weeknd was excellent. Guest host Daniel Craig parodied when James Bond lost him in a casino, also very funny. But the best part of the show was the cold opening with Kate McKinnon as Laura Ingraham and Elizabeth Warren. This last senator appeared as herself.


Roger Friedman started his Showbiz411 column in April 2009 after 10 years at Fox News. He writes for Parade magazine and has written for Details, Vogue, The New York Times, Post and Daily News and many other publications. He is the author and co-producer of "Only the Strong Survive", a selection of the Cannes, Sundance and Telluride Film festivals.

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