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Ammy Virk: Wants to work with SLB, Raju Hirani in Bollywood


Ammy Virk: Wants to work with SLB, Raju Hirani in Bollywood
Image source: INSTA / AMMYVIRK

Ammy Virk: Wants to work with SLB, Raju Hirani in Bollywood

Even though the plan was to make her Bollywood debut with the movie ’83’, Hindi moviegoers first saw famous Punjabi singer and actress Ammy Virk in ‘Bhuj: The Pride Of India’. As his performance attracts attention even though the film didn’t work, Ammy believes that great scripts and good directors are the star creators and in the future he wants to work with some of his favorite directors in Bollywood.

Ammy told IANS: “When I was young, back home I only watched movies on TV. I come from a village in Punjab, so going to the theater and watching movies was not part of our daily life. watch all Dharmendra saab movies and Sunny Deol movies We love to watch family dramas, action movies etc.

“But now the whole idea of ​​a hero and his image changes and that’s why if and when someone asks me, who is the Bollywood hero I would like to work with, I don’t really know the answer. I want to work with great filmmakers, have good scripts and learn from good actors. I want so much to work with Raj Kumar Hirani, Sanjay Leela Bhansali among others, because first of all I like to watch their films and also, I think they are the real star directors.

“They extract the best performances from the actors, and if the movie works, the actor is successful too! Having said that, I worked with Kabir sir and that was supposed to be my Bollywood debut. I want to work with him again. “

Ammy began his journey as a singer and directed an ‘Ikk Pal’ music video while he was still in college. While the music video turned out to be a super hit, he continued to make more music and with over 15 music videos, Ammy is one of the popular singers in the Punjabi music industry. He also made his mark as an actor as “Angrej” and “Qismat” are two of his highest grossing films in Punjab.

Interestingly, the National Film Award winning Punjabi film ‘Harjeeta’, in which he played the title role, also featured Pankaj Tripathi. In fact, that’s how Ammy worked with the veteran actor even before the upcoming ’83’ movie.

“He’s such a nice person to be around. I’m new to Bollywood, and when I came for the reunion and filming of the movie ’83’, I met him again. It feels good. Ranveer sir is such a happy guy… as I’m new and always try to get to know people and stuff, when those people make us feel comfortable, it makes my job as an actor easier. You can’t play nervous. ” , shared Ammy.

But does the endless wait for the highly anticipated “83” make him nervous?

“I think the pandemic has changed the way we think. The fact that we are still working, that we are healthy, safe and secure – that is important to all of us. The movie will be released as we all know, and the release date is not in our hands, so no I’m not nervous. Also, I was shooting for my film. I am very grateful that two of my films came out and in September another movie comes out, ”said the actor who has always played the protagonist in most of his Punjabi films.

Even though people liked her presence in ‘Bhuj: The Pride Of India’, the film failed to impress critics and audiences alike.

Ammy will next be seen in the Punjabi movie “Qismat 2” which will be released on September 24th.

Considering the actor in both of his Hindi films was in an ensemble cast and not as the protagonist who performs in Punjabi cinema, does that bother him?

“Bollywood is a big dream, and when you achieve something gradually, it stays with you. If you succeed overnight, you might also lose things overnight. So no, I want to grow with every movie here, I want our audiences to worship me slowly, steadily and be my fans forever, ”Ammy signed.




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