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Mick Jagger Finds He Can Get Some Satisfaction By Acting – Entertainment


It doesn't matter if he rocks an arena filled with tens of thousands of fans or plays in an independent film, Mick Jagger says that the experience is essentially the same: it continues to happen.

Jagger's last actor concert, in the independent thriller The heresy of burnt orange, Find the 76-year-old musician playing a wealthy art collector Joseph Cassidy, who asks an art critic to steal a painting from a reclusive artist.

The film, also starring Donald Sutherland and set in a villa on Lake Como, opens in New York and Los Angeles on Friday.

Just two scenes away, it's Jagger's biggest movie role since 2001, when he played an elegant Brit leading a high-level escort service in Champs-Elysées.

From the uncredited "soldier in a bar" to the role of Australian outlaw Ned Kelly in 1970, Jagger says playing is one of his many interests outside of rock and roll.

"Playing is not a huge part of my life, but when I can do it, I always enjoy it," Jagger told Reuters.

"It's a different kind of show. I'm ready to do things that interest me, be it theater, music, comedy, whatever," he said.

With back hair and elegant suits, Jagger is barely recognizable The heresy of burnt orange as a dancing leader, dressed in jeans, the Rolling Stones. "I only have two scenes and you really need to enjoy them. I didn't think it was too difficult for me," said Jagger.

Read also: Mick Jagger portrays an evil art dealer in a new trailer for & # 39; The Burnt Orange Heresy & # 39;

"I thought he was a character I could bring something to … I thought, I saw people like that. I think I could be this manipulative person and do this job", a he declared.

Since 1970, when Jagger had lead roles in Performance and Ned kellyMost of his roles have played roles in independent films or uncredited roles.

"I would have liked to do a little more, and I would have liked to have had better roles. (But) I am a working musician. I am not much there to shake up the roles of ; actor, "he said.

Jagger said that when he was between 20 and 30, it was more difficult for musicians to make the transition to the theater.

"People didn't want to take you seriously. They thought you would be flaky, that you wouldn't turn or that you wouldn't do the job properly, and why take a chance. Now it's much easier people to do both. "

Jagger said he had had no long-term effects from the heart valve replacement surgery he had undergone in April 2019. He was back on stage two months later and the Stones hit the road in the United States in May.

Fans will have to wait longer for the band's first album of new music since 2005.

"Do not hold your breath!" Said Jagger. "I have written a lot and I have done a lot of demos and the Stones have recorded some very nice things. But we haven't finished the album yet, so I haven't have no date for that. "

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