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Farrah Abraham makes fun of the coronavirus, is still the worst literal


So, you know how Farrah Abraham is really stupid and horrible?

Yes, that is what we are going to talk about today.

Farrah Abraham is plastic

Farrah's genre is totally awful for many reasons, and no one has time to sit down and tell each of them.

Instead, let's just focus on the attitude and knowledge of the former Teen Mom star on politics and current affairs.

If you follow Abraham, then you have probably understood that he is a big fan of Trump.

Farrah Abraham for WEtv

This relentless member of the MAGA nation largely supported Trumpster during his first presidential candidacy.

In 2016, she posed in a Wonder Woman costume and said to anyone who wanted to listen "grab life by p-ssy".

Since then, she has been on board, tearing apart those who blame Trump for managing the international crises in 2020.

Specifically, Farrah has attacked citizens who dare to suggest that Trump has no idea about the coronavirus.

Farrah Abraham in Big Apple

Lots of people are terrified of the virus, and it doesn't help that Trump cut programs that could have helped or that he put Mike Pence in charge of managing it all, which … come on.

But at least one voter is grateful for Trump's efforts to keep the country safe. Farrah tweeted: "Thank you Trump for protecting us unlike the Democrats who want to be killed, I suppose, by China."

"All democrats live in China and die," she added eloquently.

Farrah Abraham is cleavage

It was obviously an ignoble thing to say, and she had a lot of hatred for it.

But hatred equals attention, and like her favorite POTUS, Farrah feeds on attention, so of course, she tries to keep this train going.

She shared a new video yesterday, and … well, here it is:

It’s Farrah, 28, and Sophia Abraham, 11, attacking Target for supplies she thinks she needs to survive the coronavirus.

It shows the shelves where disinfectant wipes are usually kept, and there are only a few left due to the crisis.

But Farrah, the aspiring actress that she is, started panicking for her little video, saying "Oh my god, they're all gone!"

"Oh my god, they're all gone, oh my god!"

Farrah Abraham deep in thought

She climbs up on a shelf to get a disinfectant spray, and you can hear a nervous store worker offering to help.

No, damn, Farrah has that – she has a video to make!

"I am a little disappointed as a mom that I only received 20 bottles of Lysol," she complains. "I should have had a whole cart!"

Farrah Abraham with the coup

She also got disposable gloves, Advil "for fever", as well as eye drops and a mouthwash, because that will totally help you, right?

"I will survive the crown!" she declares triumphantly.

As bad as it sounds, you have to watch the video above to really understand how obnoxious she is to be here.

YIKES, Farrah

To quote the legendary The incredible Kardashian family star Kourtney Kardashian, "There are people who die."

It is insipid to joke about this kind of thing. Worse still, if you can't make your jokes in quotes fun from a distance.

And, again, no one is there for that.

But back to Farrah ...

She limited comments on the video, but only after multiple subscribers were allowed to get good shots.

A notable answer: "Only Farrah would try to exploit this virus !!!! Everything for a dollar and to stay relevant !!!"

"Honestly, she has nothing better to do," wrote another.

"This joking person dying from the virus and as usual, making his stupid videos …"

Set up these dukes

"She doesn't care about the coronavirus, she really thought that people seeing her buying Lysol would be so funny," said another fan.

And one person summed it up well with:

"No more embarrassing shit from Farrah. I don't understand, girl. It's always so annoying when you try to be funny or witty."

We would like to imagine that she read these comments and maybe learned something about herself, but … yes.

At this point, we are almost sure that the self-reflection of the best Camgirl and escort in the Teen Mom franchise does not happen.

Instead, she will simply call these hateful people and seek the next opportunity to make a fool of herself.

She is our daughter.

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