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Where do you know the actor Trepps from?


InWeathered carbonSeason 2, Simone Missick plays a loyal, voluntary bounty hunter named Trepp, but you may have already seen her on screen in several different roles. Like Trepp inWeathered carbon she is a professional and robust bounty hunter who values ​​the safety of her family more than anything. On several occasions, she saved protagonist Takeshi Kovacs and her other allies, and she proved to be a truly reliable backup.

Missick & # 39; s Treppis one of the best new characters inWeathered carbonseason 2 because of his skill and strength. Unlike Detective OrtegaWeathered carbonSeason 1, who has sort of become a damsel in distress, Trepp remains a valuable and key member of the team until the season finale. the show.

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Missick's ability to play talkers and tough fighters is also seen elsewhere in her filmography. She appeared in guest roles on shows like Tell me a story and Wayward pines, but here's where you've probably seen Missick on the screen before.

Misty Knight InLuke Cage, Iron Fist and the Defenders

Simone Missick is best known for portraying Misty Knight in multiple Marvel shows on Netflix and making her first appearance in the universe inLuke cageas a NYPD detective with a very intense moral code and a strong belief in justice. Misty later becomes allies with more Netflix characters from Marvel and is a main character in bothThe defendersandIron fistseason 2, where she teamed up with Colleen Wing. Knight fights fiercely alongside his superhero allies and even loses an armThe defenders,which is then replaced by a powerful cyborg arm.

Lola Carmichael in All Rise

CBS 'legal dramaAll get uppremiered in September 2019. Missick plays Lola Carmichael, a former prosecutor, a newly elected judge and the main character in the series. The show received moderate to good reviews, with critics praising Missick's performance.All get upis Missick's first starring role and she enjoys it. With its always impressive performances forThe defendersandWeathered carbon,other opportunities will certainly follow.

Simone Missick made a name for herself by playing no-nonsense characters in Netflix shows, and Trepp has one of the most complex character arcs from the second season of Weathered carbon. It remains to be seen if she will return forWeathered carbonseason 3, but fans would surely be delighted to find it.

Plus: Altered Carbon: Every Actor Who Has Played Takeshi Kovacs So Far

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