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Occasional references to “Kaafir” hinting at Hindu slavery and perversion in Bollywood songs


The progressive Islamization of Bollywood since independence is an open secret. While the anti-Hindu and pro-Islamic orientation was subtle until the 1970s, things gradually began to change in the decades that followed. Today we have reached a stage where Hindu beliefs and practices are openly mocked and songs would be unrecognizable to those who grew up in the 50s and 60s.

References to Allah, Maula, Khuda and ‘Kafir‘(‘ infidel ‘i.e. non-Muslim) have grown exponentially in Bollywood songs. A Twitter feed from ‘True Indology’ @TIinExile cites some examples of popular Bollywood songs that use the word “Kafir” in different contexts:

1. “Kaafir jhuk jaaye dar pe farmaye mujhse tu hi hai bandagi (The Kaafir (Hindu) prostrates himself at my door and says: I am your slave) ”at 3:16

Lyricist: Anvita Dutt Guptan, who also directed the Netflix movie Bulbbul where Bhagwan Krishna is called in a song “haramzada” and Radha as “kalankini)

2. Just like Shayari (poetry) is an innate characteristic of a Shayar (poet) bandage (slavery) is an innate characteristic of a Kafir (not Muslim). A Kafir is after all doomed to be a slave. The wisdom of another popular Bollywood song. Check in from 3:55 p.m.

Lyricist: Anand Bakshi

3. “Varna hai milta kahan hum kafiron ko khuda (How would God be available to us Kaafirs (non-Muslims)) ”

In their theology, Kaafirs are doomed to eternal hell. God turns away from them. Check out this Bollywood wisdom from 1:52.

Lyricist: Kunaal Vermaa

4. Kafir symbolizes the complete opposite of piety, including lust a dancer looking for a stranger who had run away and hides after literally “burning her” (Jalakar jo chup gaya hai) this night (Haaye aaj ki raat) To “Kaafir Aankhein”(Vigorous eyes).

Lyricist: Nasir Hussein

5. Kafir also represents a pervert. A man coveting an object dancer he calls “Saali“,”Kalank“(Derogatory) but also” intoxicating “. He says his body sins (paapi hai ang meri). He owns “Kaafirana Niyat ” (perverted intention).

Lyricist: Shirish Kunder (husband of Farah Khan)

6. One Kafir is also untrustworthy. “Dil Ka Bharosa Kya Hai Dil to Kaafir Hai (How can I believe my heart? My heart is fair Kafir) “. Check from 2:06.

Lyricists: Rahat Indori, Anu (Anwar) Malik, Javed Akhtar and Dev Kohli.

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