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Who is Carol Corbett in Season 6 of “Lucifer”? 8 facts about actor Scott Porter


Lucifer Season 6 is available to stream and download on Netflix, the latest installment and the very last chapter in Lucifer Morningstar’s story. Fortunately, everyone had their happy endings, including Ella Lopez (Aimee Garcia) and Detective Carol Corbett (Scott Porter).

Friday night lights actor Scott Porter made his debut in the Lucifer Season 5, Part 2 finale as Carol Corbett.

Corbett is a close friend of the late Dan Espinoza, who succeeds Chloe Decker (Lauren German) as Senior Detective at LAPD. He quickly becomes Ella’s love interest no matter how hard she tries to push him away.

News week has everything you need to know about Scott Porter.

8 facts about Scott Porter from “Lucifer”

1. His full name is Matthew Scott Porter

Scott Porter was born Matthew Scott Porter on July 14, 1979 in Omaha, Nebraska.

2. Scott Porter is also a singer

In 2009, Porter appeared in Bandslam alongside Aly Michalka, Gaelan Connell, Vanessa Hudgens and Lisa Kudrow.

As part of the film, Porter performed “Someone to Fall Back On” and his song “Pretend” was featured in the official soundtrack.

He also performed Off-Broadway with the a cappella group Toxic Audio.

3. Scott Porter stars in Netflix’s Ginny & Georgia

Porter stars in hit Netflix series Ginny and Georgia.

He stars as Mayor Paul Randolph, who becomes Georgia’s (Brianne Howey) sweetheart in the first season.

4. Scott Porter starred in Friday Night Lights

Porter is best known for his role as Jason Street in Friday night lights. His character was injured during a football match and became disabled.

In Friday night lights, he starred alongside Connie Britton, Taylor Kitsch and Kyle Chandler.

5. Scott Porter played a role in the 2010s Dear John

You might recognize Porter from his role as Randy in the 2010 romantic drama. Dear John.

In Dear John, he performed alongside Channing Tatum and Amanda Seyfried.

Matthew Scott Porter Lucifer
Scott Porter and Tom Ellis in Lucifer season 6

6. Scott Porter is no stranger to the small screen

Porter is no stranger to the small screen having appeared on several television shows during his career.

In 2010, he played the role of law firm investigator Blake Calamar in The good wife, and from 2011 to 2015 he played the role of George Tucker in Dixie Hart.

Other credits include Why do women kill, excluded and Caprica.

7. Scott Porter performed in an a cappella vocal group

While studying at the University of Central Florida, Porter performed vocal percussion in the group 4: 2: Five.

8. Scott Porter is a father

Scott Porter married his wife Kelsey Mayfield in April 2013. Mayfield is a casting director and they met on the set of Friday night lights.

In May 2015, Mayfield gave birth to their son McCoy Lee and in 2017 their daughter Clover Ash was born.

Lucifer Season 6 is now streaming on Netflix.




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