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Friends: the actors who almost played Chandler


Matthew Perry played the role of Chandler Bing for the ten seasons of Friends, but there were several other major candidates considered for the game. In fact, a well-known figure was even offered the role before Perry was hired as sixth in the main cast. Perry's path to reach friends was not straightforward, since the actor was attached to a Fox pilot at the time.

All along friendsOver the course of a decade, Chandler has been described as the king of sarcasm with a brash personality. Chandler was the roommate of Joey Tribbiani and a friend of Ross Geller from college. He had one of the most stable careers among the main characters, but he spoke of hating his job. During the series, Chandler got closer and closer to Ross' sister, Monica. Although Chandler had several relationships, he was known to have problems with engagement with women, until he opened up to Monica and the two grew up as Friend & # 39;founding couple of s. The couple eventually married and adopted a set of twins before embarking on a new chapter in the suburbs before the series ended.

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Chandler was a major joker, so the series thought they'd be hard pressed to fill the role. In reality, the role was one of the most difficult to launch because it was difficult to find actors who had good comedic timing and sarcastic humor. Before Perry became the favorite, Two and a half menJon Cryer auditioned for the role, as did Craig Bierko. Perry actually coached Bierko for the role while he was still attached to another series. Neither Cryer nor Bierko got the part, but another actor impressed enough to receive an offer to play Chandler.

Jon Favreau was offered the role of Chandler but refused

Jon Favreau The Lion King and Mandalorian

Actor Jon Favreau auditioned for friends before debuting in 1994 and was offered the role of Chandler. Favreau decided to refuse the offer to work on other concerts. He ended up appearing on friends for a passage of six episodes in 1997 as Pete Becker, the rich friend of Monica. Favreau continued to work on a number of television shows and films in the 1990s and continued this busy schedule over the following decades. Not only did he continue to play, but Favreau also broadened his career as a director and writer through Disney. He has been a big part of the MCU (both on and off camera), in addition to working onStar Wars projects and live adaptations of Disney classics. He is currently the best knownThe Mandalorianshowrunner.

After Perry's schedule started, he was given the role of Chandler and the rest was history. The hearing of the actor convinced the friends creators and network they found someone capable of carrying the character. He then cemented himself as a member of one of the most renowned ensemble casts in the history of television. Even though Perry continued to acquire a number of concerts after his time friends, he will be remembered as Chandler Bing for several generations.

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