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Popular Knights of the Old Republic actor Tom Kane can’t return for remake for serious health reasons


Tom Kane is a name that has been essentially inseparable from Star wars for the past two decades. He has been credited in virtually every Star wars game since 1996, voiced Yoda and the news narrator in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, and served as a double voice for Ackbar, C-3PO and Yoda. In fact, her voice has been used in recent projects like The bad lot and will be heard in LEGO Star: Wars: The Skywalker Saga upon release (as Qui-Gon Jinn and Yoda)

Unfortunately, Tom Kane won’t be able to feature in any new Star wars media, including the next Knights of the Old Republic remake. With the return of actors like Jennifer Hale (for Bastila Shan), many had been hoping to hear new voices from Tom for the plethora of characters he has voiced. However, his early retirement due to a stroke in 2020 has been officially announced.

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In late 2020, his daughter, Sam Kane, revealed that her father had suffered a stroke that left him with weakness on his right side and damage to the speech center of his brain. Tom was known to attend speech therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy sessions, but now Sam has confirmed the prolific Star wars the actor must retire.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic remake is built

Ultimately, Sam reveals that the damage to his speech center is too severe and that he is suffering from apraxia. It’s about knowing what he wants to say but not being able to communicate it effectively, which obviously weighs on his family. Sam goes on to say how “fucked up that in a fraction of a second one of the most talented voice actors ever lost his voice and his career.” Without a doubt, the loss of his voice is something the Star wars The fandom will cry, but I hope Tom and his family can find a new normal to move forward.

In Knights of the Old Republic, Tom voiced Vandar Tokare (of Yoda’s species), Uthar Wynn, Rolan Wann, Ajunta Pall, Niklos, Marl, representative of Koribaan Czerka, Matale War Droid, Manaan Security Droid and Manaan Sith War Droids. While some of Tom’s vocal work may remain in the upcoming remake, Knight of the Old Republic is being redone from the ground up, and much of it will likely need to be replaced.

It’s incredibly unfortunate given the circumstances, but I hope the Star Wars fandom as a whole, as well as those who are excited for the next one Knight of the Old Republic, and the community as a whole can keep Tom in their thoughts. The franchise wouldn’t be what it is without him, and his legacy will continue for many years to come in everything he’s influenced and touched.

Knights of the Old Republic remake is under development as a timed PS5 console exclusive.

MORE: Rant Arcade Game Ep. 38: PlayStation Showcase, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Remake

Source: Tom Kane’s Social Media Announcement

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