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‘American Idol’: what you need to know about Sunday’s season finale on ABC | Movies / TV


The following “American Idol” will not be from Louisiana, but current title holder Laine Hardy, 19, of Livingston, will make an appearance in the ABC singing contest final on Sunday evening.

And the representation of Bayou State on the show will not stop there.

Contemporary Christian singer at the Grammy AwardsLauren Daigle, also a former “Idol” who grew up in Lafayette and Baton Rouge, will sing her hit “You Say”.

In addition, Jovin Webb, a native and competitor of Gonzales, 29, who reached the Top 11 this season, will return to sing with the 10 other finalists. Faith Becnel, 20, of Destrehan, who reached the Top 20 before being eliminated a week before Webb, is not scheduled.

The 5 best finalists in season 18, who will be announced at the start of the final, will again sing for the American vote.

“American Idol”: Jovin Webb of Louisiana eliminated: “It’s a little bittersweet”

This time, a live vote will determine the winner, which will be announced at the end of the two-hour broadcast.

Although, as with other live episodes this season, the finale will take place remotely from the homes of everyone involved due to the coronavirus pandemic, it will still be a starry night.

“We Are the World” is certainly a highlight, the 1985 mega-hit co-written by “Idol” judge Lionel Richie with the late Michael Jackson. The song brought a who’s who of US music giants to the studio to record the song, with multi-million dollar sales going to the aid of African famine.

The acclaimed anthem will be played on Sunday evening for the first time on television in 35 years. To see the original performance “We Are the World”, click on here.

I was so excited to present it to them because I was asked a thousand and one times, are you going to write another song for what’s going on in the world right now? “Said Richie on” Jimmy Kimmel Live! “Tuesday.

Live from Louisiana: ‘American Idol’ finalists will compete over distance this season

And my answer was, exactly the lyrics I would have written for the new song are in the old song “We are the World”. “

It’s just that we present it at this time, added Richie.

Judges Katy Perry and Luke Bryan, as well as Hardy and other “Idol” alumni, including Alejandro Aranda, Gabby Barrett, Jordin Sparks, Katharine McPhee, Kellie Pickler, Lauren Alaina, Phillip Phillips, Ruben Studdard, will join Richie Sunday. and Scotty McCreery.

Cynthia Erivo, a mix of Aretha Franklin songs, is also expected to perform. Rascal Flatts and Doug Kiker, “Bless the Broken Road”; Bryan, “One Margarita”; and Perry, the television debut of “Daisies”.

The show airs from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on ABC.

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