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Arrested: Frozen Broadway Musical Will Not Reopen | Entertainment


NEW YORK (AP) Big-budget musical Frozen will not reopen when Broadway theaters restart, marking the first time an established show has been brought down by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Disney show opened in March 2018 and was among the top five Broadway productions in both gross production and attendance in the two years it ran, often attracting more ‘a million dollars, and even 2 million dollars a week.

So far, only shows awaiting official opening have announced postponements or cancellations. Disney still has The Lion King and Aladdin on Broadway and five Frozen productions around the world.

Citing the global pandemic, Thomas Schumacher, president and producer of Disney Theatrical Productions, said Thursday that hosting three Disney shows on Broadway was untenable.

Caissie Levy, the originator of Elsa’s role on Broadway, tweeted that the news was heartbreak, adding that we will always be a family. Sending love to all the devoted fans of our beautiful show.

Actors Equity Association, which represents 51,000 actors and directors, reacted with dismay at the news and urged New York and national politicians to save the arts sector. Mary McColl, Executive Director, described this moment as practical for the governor, the mayor and members of Congress.

The arts and entertainment sector drives New York’s economy, as it does in cities and towns across the country. The decisions made in the coming days and weeks will shape the future of the arts sector for years to come, she said. Public servants at all levels must think much more boldly about supporting the arts, or our entire economy will be slower to recover.

Disney Theatrical does not receive any business grants from the Walt Disney Company and its stage shows must be financially self-sufficient. The musical Frozen is based on the Oscar-winning Disney film franchise, with music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez.

Of the three Disney properties on Broadway, Frozen was technically the weakest at the box office but was still considered financially a huge success. The appearance of the film Frozen 2 at the end of 2019 actually boosted the fortunes of the shows, with sales peaks recorded in the months following the release of the films.

Although an exact date for the resumption of Broadway shows remains to be determined, Broadway producers are now offering refunds and exchanges for tickets purchased for shows until September 6.

Broadway performances were suspended on March 12 after Governor Andrew Cuomo prohibited gatherings of 500 or more people. There were 31 productions in progress at the time, including eight new shows in preview and eight other shows in rehearsals preparing for the spring season.

Some shows, such as an upcoming renaissance of Neil Simons Plaza Suite with Matthew Broderick and Sarah Jessica Parker, as well as a musical about Michael Jackson, pushed their production to next year.

Other shows scheduled to open this spring have abandoned their plans, including the hanged ones and a revival of Edward Albees who is afraid of Virginia Woolf?

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