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Vanessa Bryant shares photo of daughter Natalia posing at Kobe and Gianna memorial


Vanessa Bryant was very outspoken about her appreciation for the outpouring of love and support for her late husband, Kobe Bryantand their daughter, Gianna.

The deluge of fan tributes got it all figured out, from handwritten letters to street art murals honoring father and daughter, and adorning dozens of buildings across Los Angeles.

On Sunday, Vanessa showed her appreciation for a particularly beautiful mural – showing Kobe kissing Gianna on the head – when she took a photo of her daughter Natalia posing in front of the sentimental work of art.

"My babies. Natalia. #winterformal", Vanessa captioned the photo, which shows her 17-year-old daughter smiling brightly in a blue and white dress and standing between the painted representations of her deceased father and 13 year old sister.

Kobe and Gianna, as well as seven other victims, died in a tragic Helicopter crash in the hills of Calabasas, California, January 26.

During a massive and emotional memorial service held in their honor at the Staples Center on February 24, Vanessa spoke publicly for the first time since the accident,pay homage to her young daughter's bond with her adoring father.

"My granddaughter, Gianna Bryant, is an incredibly sweet and gentle soul. She was always thoughtful. She always kissed me good night and kissed me hello She was daddy's daughter but I know that she loved mom, and she would always show me and tell me how much she loved me, "said Vanessa. "She was one of my best friends."

"Her smile was like the sun," she shared. "Her smile took on her whole face like mine. Kobe always said she was me. She had my fire, my personality and my sarcasm. She was tender and loving inside. She had the better laugh. It was contagious, it was pure and authentic. Kobe and Gianna naturally gravitated towards each other. "

"We will not be able to see Gigi go to school with (her sister) Natalia and ask her how the day went," she continued, in tears. "We haven't had a chance to teach her how to drive a car. I can't tell her how beautiful she is on her wedding day. I will never see my little girl walking in the car. gone, have a father-daughter dance with her dad, dance on the dance floor with me or have her own babies. "

Vanessa – who is also the mother of 3-year-old daughter Bianka and 8-month-old daughter Capri – also pondered Kobe's bond with her eldest daughter.

"He shared a love of cinema and a break from films with Natalia. He liked to rent theaters and take Natalia to watch the most recent Star Wars movie or Harry potter movies. And they would have film marathons and he would enjoy them every second, "she shared." He also loved your typical rips. He liked to watch Stepmother, Steel magnolia and Little woman. He had a tender heart. "

See the video below to learn more about Vanessa's deeply powerful and sincere praise.


Vanessa Bryant shares images of Kobe and Gianna from 2015 Doc

Vanessa Bryant Found Kobe and Gianna's Public Memorial Healing

Inside Kobe and Vanessa Bryants love the relationship at first sight (exclusive)

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