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Each actor and their best binge movie (according to IMDb)


Wes Anderson is about to present his new film,The French dispatch,in the middle of 2020. Although all of his films are known to have a stellar cast, this one is certainly no different. With familiar faces ofThe Grand Budapest HotelandKingdom of Moonrise,there are also famous actors who have not worked with this iconic director.

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While moviegoers are waiting for this movie in anticipation, there are tons of incredible movies to watch with this star cast. This list is there to steer your cravings before this movie hits the big screen. Here are the main actors of this film, and one of their films that you should absolutely watch, classified according to IMDb.

ten Saoirse Ronan: Lady Bird (2017) – 7.4

Saoirse Ronan is one of the most popular and successful young actresses in Hollywood. With 3 Oscar nominations, once for this drama-comedy that follows Lady Bird, a 17-year-old woman who is reaching maturity in California.

This film is pure, hilarious and absolutely memorable. Ronan has a choice of many films, but this Oscar-nominated film is one of his best. Of course Ronan also joins Anderson once again, having previously played inThe Grand Budapest Hotel.

9 Tilda Swinton: We Must Talk About Kevin (2011) – 7.5

Tilda Swinton is an incredibly popular actress, and she previously worked with Wes Anderson inIsle of Dogs, The Grand Budapest Hotel,andKingdom of Moonrise.

RELATED: The 10 Best Tilda Swinton Movies, According to Rotten Tomatoes

This drama is a much darker film than those of Wes Anderson. Swinton plays the mother of an incredibly difficult child. Eventually, he grows up to become his worst nightmare. This thriller is hard to watch, but it's definitely Swinton at its best.

8 Benicio Del Toro: Sicario (2015) – 7.6

Benicio Del Toro is an Oscar-winning actor, but this detective drama is certainly one of the favorites of moviegoers. Starring alongside Emily Blunt and Josh Brolin, this grim action movie follows an FBI agent (Blunt) who joins a government task force to help the drug war between the United States and Mexico, but there is certainly an unfair game going on.

Benicio Del Toro is breathtaking in this film, and viewers should definitely give him a watch. He will play Moses Rosenthaler in the new Anderson film, and he is a new actor on his list.

seven Elisabeth Moss: the invisible man (2020) – 7.7

This film has just been released in 2020 and is a mystery thriller. Fans probably know Moss better from his television role inThe tale of the servant,but this new film went pretty well with the critics. Cecilia's husband committed suicide, but she is convinced that it was a hoax.

This dark film is Moss at its best, and fans are thrilled to see this talented and versatile actress finally team up with Wes Anderson and be sidelined from this next film.

6 Seydoux: blue is the hottest color (2013) – 7.7

This romantic drama is an extremely popular French film. Seydoux plays Adle, a young woman who meets another young woman, Emma. This film tells a story of growth, love and an incredibly raw internal journey.

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Seydoux will play Simone in the new Anderson film, but she also had a small role because Clotilde is her iconic film,The Grand Budapest Hotel.In preparation for her next role,Blue is the warmest coloris one that fans shouldn't miss.

5 Edward Norton: Birdman (2014) – 7.7

This Oscar-winning film has a starred cast, including Michael Keaton and Zach Galifianakis. This film tells the story of a failed superhero actor trying to revive his career by creating a Broadway production. This dramatic comedy is totally pure and bewitching, and Norton has even received a nomination for its role.

Norton is quite the acclaimed actor, and he has many incredible and classic films to binge on. In addition, he previously worked with Wes Anderson inIsle of Dogs, The Grand Budapest Hotel,andKingdom of Moonrise.

4 Adrien Brody: Detachment (2011) – 7.7

Adrien Brody is probably known as the naughty member of the Anderson familyThe Grand Budapest Hotel.However, he returns with Anderson for his next film.

Brody has an impressive list of films, but he has a lead role in this drama, where he plays a substitute teacher who tries to connect with teachers who all seem to have dark and dismal lives. This film is definitely worth a visit and is Brody at his best.

3 Willem Dafoe: The Lighthouse (2019) – 7.7

Willem Dafoe is a Hollywood legend. Although he has tons of roles to choose from, it is one of his most recent and was also nominated for 1 Oscar in 2020. He plays Thomas Wake, a veteran lighthouse keeper who finds himself trapped on an island in the 1890s with a young and daring partner (Robert Pattinson).

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For fans of obscure and artistic films, this one is for you. Of course, Willem Dafoe has already stolen the hearts of Anderson (and fans) as a private investigator inThe Grand Budapest Hotel.

2 Timothe Chalamet: Call me by your name (2017) – 7.9

It goes up and downactor has taken Hollywood by storm in recent years. Although he has played alongside co-star Saoirse Ronan several times, Chalamet got his first Oscar nomination for this role.

In 1980s Italy, a 17-year-old boy struggles with youth, sexuality and adventure in this incredibly raw and fascinating dramatic novel. Chalamet is finally teaming up with Anderson for his new film, and fans are more than excited to see what he brings to the back screen alongside this cast and this team.

1 Christoph Waltz: Django Unchained (2012) – 8.4

Christoph Waltz is a two-time Oscar winner and has many incredible fans. However, one role that will always be remembered is his role in Quentin TarantinoDjango Unchained.He plays a bounty hunter who hires a freed slave (Jamie Foxx) to help him kill the plantation owners.

He will join this next film as Boris Schommers, and he is also a newcomer to the art of Wes Anderon. However, fans are delighted that he is joining this awaited film.

NEXT: Wes Andersons 10 Most Memorable Characters

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