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‘Guiding Light’ and ‘All My Children’ actor was 73 – deadline


Michael Tylo, an actor who appeared in soap operas All my children, General hospital, The young and the restless, The daring and the beautiful and, in his signature role of brooding wealthy archaeologist Quinton Chamberlainn on CBS Guiding light, died Tuesday at Henderson Hospital in Henderson, NV. He was 73 years old.

The Showbiz and Media Personalities We Lost in 2021 – Photo Gallery

His death was announced by the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, where Tylo was a professor of cinema. The cause of death was not disclosed.

“Michael Tylo was a beautiful and caring human being – he was so special,” Nancy Uscher, dean of the College of Fine Arts, said in a statement posted on the university’s website. “He was a friend, colleague, teacher and exemplary artist. He had such a distinguished and rich career, but he was humble about his accomplishments. He loved his family dearly and led a happy life, but he left us far too soon. He will be sorely missed, but feel a deep gratitude for all that Michael has contributed to the College of Fine Arts, UNLV and the world.

The Showbiz and Media Personalities We Lost in 2021 – Photo Gallery

Lisa Brown and Michael Tylo in “Guiding Light”
Everett Collection

Tylo broke into the soap business in 1980, with a short-term cast on Another world. In 1981 he started a three-year race on Guiding light (he briefly returned in 1996), with his dashing Quinton Chamberlain ultimately paired with Lisa Brown’s Nola Reardon in what would become one of the show’s most popular romantic couples.

He took on an equally meaty role of Soldier of Fortune Matt Connolly on ABC All my children in 1987, delving into major storylines involving, among others, the star of the series Susan Lucci.

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The late 1980s also brought appearances on prime-time programs. Lonely dove and A man called Hawk, and in 1989 he returned to the day with a brief show on ABC General hospital. In 1990, he became an actor in the television series Zorro, and in 1992 joined CBS ‘ The young and the restless. In 2000 he had a brief run on Love glory and beauty, and in 2003 he accepted a post at UNLV as a visiting professor of theater and film. He later became the assistant dean of the school for the College of Fine Arts and taught theater.

Wednesday, The young and the restless tweeted his condolences, writing: “Our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of Michael Tylo who honored #YR with his talents as Blade and Rick.”

Tylo is survived by his wife Rachelle, his daughters Kollette, Izabelle and Katya. He was predeceased by his son Michael Tylo, Jr., who drowned in 2007.




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