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Jussie Smollett Loses Legal Battle to Drop Latest Charges


Jussie Smollett lost his legal fight to drop his latest charges – while the controversial state attorney who first tried to end the case criticized the decision of the "bulls" Obsess over the actor's "prank".

Lawyers for the former besieged Empire star argued in an emergency petition that a judge overstepped his authority and misinterpreted the law when he ordered the appointment from a special prosecutor.

But the Illinois Supreme Court refused on Friday to dismiss the charges, which again accuse him of having organized a racist and homophobic attack on himself. The court gave no explanation for his decision.

While the actor failed to have the special prosecutor removed from the case, Chicago State attorney Kim Foxx angrily defended his decision initially drop the charges, claiming that his "low-level offense" was only a "farce".

"This problem with Smollett … excuse my tongue, these are bulls …", Foxx said at the Ben Joravsky show Thursday, amazed to see that it was still such a dominant case for such a troubled city.

“We have an abysmal homicide classification rate; we have horrible violence; and [attention is on] this case concerning a low-level offense with a farce actor, "she said, with obvious disbelief.

"I'm not saying it wasn't offensive; I'm not saying it's not something that caught our attention; but a year later when I sat with crying parents the loss of their children … ", she said of the city plagued by a terrible homicide rate.

Foxx said Chicago regulars "thought this was a stupid case" and "have moved on."

"And the fact that those in power … have chosen not to do so, I think says a lot," she said.

Foxx clarified their views on Friday, tell the Fran Spielman Show, "I don't think the case itself is BS, I think the fact that we have a year since this case was settled … that we keep talking about it in a city that continues to deal with gun violence "deserved the insult, she said.

"That somehow this case was set up as one of the greatest criminal injustices of our time seems spurious," said Foxx.

I speak to too many family members [victims of] violence who are frustrated that we are spending more time talking about this case than the unresolved homicide rate. I speak to people who worry about their young people who say: Why do we keep talking about Jussie?

"It's not me. This is what I hear from the community:" We can't believe we were always talking about it, "she insisted.

"I understand that what this person did was heinous and stupid. . . [But] we have people every day who have agreements with our court to resolve their cases without a public apology. We did not want to treat him any differently from any other accused.

Foxx also insisted that the 37-year-old actor had suffered enough.

"He is someone who has not worked, who has lost his job, who is being ridiculed on local, national [television] airwaves. . ", she said.

Smollett denies the charges and recently told a cameraman that he would fight or die to erase his name. I don't pretend to be innocent, I'm innocent, he said to a video videographer published on TMZ.

With post wires

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