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Star Wars actor pays tribute to Carrie Fisher on International Women's Day


Happy International Women's Day! March 8 is a day to celebrate the ladies of the world, so many people have turned to social media to honor their wives, daughters, friends and even their favorite celebrities and fictional characters. Some people even celebrate their colleagues, including the Chewbacca actor, Joonas Suotamo. The actor clearly likes to be part of the Star Wars franchise, often writing about movies on Twitter with messages ranging from good words about his predecessor to messages of support about his casting comrades. Suotamo's latest article is a tribute to the late great Carrie Fisher.

“Happy #InternationalWomensDay. My hero, ”wrote Suotamo with a picture of himself hugging Fisher. Many people commented on the post: "" No one has ever really left "" @MentorSkywalker cited. "" To me, it's royalty, "" @Simon_LindselI added. "Joonas you made me cry," @missporgy responded. "Always in our hearts," @greysoka wrote. You can check out the image shared by Suotamo in the post below:

Last December marked three years since Fisher's passing, and she received a lot of love from her Star Wars family and her real family on social media. Mark Hamill, who has played Fisher's brother on screen for decades, shared some touching fanarts on the anniversary of his death. Fisher's daughter Billie Lourd also released a heartfelt musical tribute in honor of her mother.

As for Suotamo, the actor recently welcomed his second child in the world. Although he refers to her as "Bacca" in the post, it turns out that he did NOT name his child after Chewbacca.

Currently, The rise of Skywalker is on Rotten Tomatoes with the worst score of critics for a live-action Star Wars film, earning a surprising 52%. However, the film is doing better with moviegoers and currently has an audience score of 86%. Patrick Cavanaugh of called the film "a bag of delights and frustrations that works well" and rated it 4 out of 5.

Despite mixed reviews, The rise of Skywalker has managed to walk away with three Oscar nominations this year. The film was for the best original score (John Williams), the best sound editing (Matthew Wood and David Acord) and the best visual effects (Roger Guyett, Neal Scanlan, Patrick Tubach and Dominic Tuohy).

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker will be released on Digital on March 17 and on 4K, Blu-ray and DVD on March 31.

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Disclosure: ComicBook is owned by CBS Interactive, a division of ViacomCBS.

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